
Asked by carmella

I cannot view any pictures or videos as the system says I need Flash player or Abode? I tried to download and it's not working. I really don't know what else to do..thanks

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Please try this quick workaround:
open a Terminal from the menu Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0

give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

Open Firefox 3.0 from Applications->Internet->Firefox 3.0 "Gran Paradiso"
Then try to visit a flash video required link for example my OpenOffice italian page:
the Firefox 3.0 browser install flash player in a working way.
When you open the Firefox (2) it usually start works good with flash.

Hope this helps

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Please try this quick workaround:
open a Terminal from the menu Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0

give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

Open Firefox 3.0 from Applications->Internet->Firefox 3.0 "Gran Paradiso"
Then try to visit a flash video required page for example:
the Firefox 3.0 browser install flash player in a working way.
When you open the Firefox (2) it usually start works good with flash.

Hope this helps

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btimb (romantimothy) said :

Hi Marcorbra,

I was having a similar problem. Followed the instructions you gave above. Now I have youtube working without sound, hmmmm.

also when I opened firefox, I did not see anything that said "Grand Paradiso", it says only "firefox"


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naufal (musp-student) said :

Open the Synaptic and search for:
1: mozilla-plugin-vlc and install it
2: mozilla-mplayer and install it
restart the firefox
hope this help..

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naufal (musp-student) said :

Or maybe you can get the solution from this page:

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btimb (romantimothy) said :

ooops, Marcobra,

I found Grand Paridiso, sorry,

I dont think I will be using it at this time since half of what I like is "uncompatible" at this time. I understand that G.P. is in beta 2.

I remember many months ago I tried G.P. in windows, I liked it but at the time it was unstable.

and Naufal, I did download the mozilla v\c plug in and mozilla m player , did no good !
but i will read as you suggested.

see ya

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

I thought this bug was fixed or at least has a fix - see second link below.

Anyway, to get flash working see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397. It worked for me a while back.

I think you can also download the fix from


More info at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/173890

As for Firefox 3.0, the version in the Repo is out of date unless it's been recently updated. G.P. was something like alpha 8. The most recent version I'm aware of is Beta 2 and is no longer called G.P. You can download beta 2 from http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-beta.html. I just put the folder on my desktop and can run it by double clicking the firefox.sh file and choosing "run".

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btimb (romantimothy) said :

flash player and sound most definately work in GrandPariso,

very nice, will be happy when it is ready for real use !!
Naufo, your suggested website was of no use, but thanx for the effort !!

ja, Jim, H. that is what everyone tells me that that bug was fixed,
I do not know why I have encountered it, continuously, seems I can not fix it
I have been waiting for some more news on it, but.......
thank you, will be glad when it is burried for GOOD. (i will read your suggested solutions -- thanx)
have a good day folks

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btimb (romantimothy) said :

Mr. Jim Hutchinson,

Thank you so very much,
I have my flashplayer working -- as I followed your links to the fix, (it took all of 3 mins) but it took me several weeks to find. Thanx again!!!!

It works so well even my pandora.com works in Ubuntu now. So that is great, super cool, you are Jim

I am glad I stuck around

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williamts99 (williamts99) said :


Just for future reference, you may want to refer to the Restricted Formats page.

It explains somethings about restricted files, and programs.

Also, if your problem has been answered, please mark this support request as solved.

Best Regards,

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