Foremost uninstall, output folders

Asked by Dragonfly

I had uninstalled Foremost by Ubuntu sotweare center. However, I can't delet the following folders below (built by Foremost, I think):

-Outpout (folder in my home)
-Outpout "date of creation" (folder in home too)

And equaly: "lost+found" in my system folders (I think it's will be created by Foremost too?)

Please, can you bring me you help for to do this properly?
By advance, thanks.

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mycae (mycae) said :

The files are probably owned by the administrator user. You can check this in nautilus, the file manager.

To do this, switch to list view, then add the "visible columns" -> "owner" and "group". These will probably be set to root for those files -- so only an administrator has the rights to remove it.

open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)


sudo rm -rf 'lost+found'
sudo rm -rf 'date of creation'

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :


Thanks mycae for your quick answer who resolved 70% of my troubles. Ok, so I deleted the following folders: "Output and Output "with date of creation of Foremost", because it was in my home folder. Though, I can't delete: "lost+found" because it's not really a folder (not a same icon) but it's a square with inside an cross (because can not deleted...) and this is inside my system directories... So if you have any other suggestion? It's wil be a welcome.
Thanks by advance.

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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

You can try launching nautilus as root. Try ALT-F2 and the the "run" windows type"

  gksudo nautilus

Then try again

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Hi Theodotos Andreou and thanks for your help.

I deleted this creasy folder: "lost+found" who was in my system directories folders and I discover it in an other partition (because I have several partitions in my hard drive) and I deleted it too, thanks for that. However, I have a last trouble point (who I can't explain to me?). Now, if I want to mount this partition, this partition is mounted but disappears in Nautilus (the hard drive icon)? And I have no icon on my desktop? Thought, if I open Nautilus by "gksudo" like a root, I can see the hard drive icon, the partition, and I can use it.
Somebody have an idea about this trouble?


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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

If you mount a partition as root only root will see it. Try to mount it using the "Places" menu under your normal user account.

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Of course, if I mount this partition as "root, administrator", this partition is mounted. But it was mounted too before this trouble, before the installation of Foremost... And now, if I use the administrator right inside an other account, this is what I explain to the top which occurrs. My hard disk partitioned disappears?? And it's not "normal". I would like to find a solution or waiting for an other up date?.

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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

I have not understand completely what happened with foremost! The presence or not of foremost will not change the way your partitions are mounted. Can you describe to us in more detail what exactly you want to do?

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Hi Theodotos Andreou,

And thanks for your patience and your help. So, before this "installation" (Foremost) I used my partition without problems. After to have uninstalled Foremost and the following folders created by himself:
"Output with date of création of this folder and installation of Foremost"
And for this last point, this was ceated in my system directories and equally on one partition of my hard drive. And now, after deleted all undesirable files, it's what happening on top, when I try to mount this partition?
So I understand it's must be "complicated" for to find what wrong exactly and the better solution is: "re install the Ubuntu O.S."?
If there is not solution, I can do this last point. I whant just "signal" what happening, what I discover after this installation and uninstalletion.
Thanks very much for your understanding.

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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

Can you give me the output of the following commands:

  sudo fdisk -l
  cat /etc/fstab

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

So below it's the result of the two commands who asked me:
Disque /dev/sda: 500.1 Go, 500107862016 octets
255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste, 60801 cylindres
Unités = cylindres de 16065 * 512 = 8225280 octets
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Identifiant de disque : 0xe320e320

Périphérique Amorce Début Fin Blocs Id Système
/dev/sda1 * 1 6079 48828125 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 6079 60802 439556097 5 Etendue
/dev/sda5 6079 30395 195312640 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 30395 40121 78124032 83 Linux
/dev/sda7 40121 41093 7811072 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda8 41094 60802 158305280 83 Linux

So the problem is on this partition: "/dev/sda8"
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=950301cf-c1e0-4bed-8f9e-d33e5137bb27 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /home was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=c4e7a8a0-c042-416b-8c6f-6629de10df81 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
# swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation
UUID=dae2f548-0131-4424-bfc1-738c7ebb7f3d none swap sw 0 0

/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,owner,umask=0 0 0

Revision history for this message
Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

So you are supposed to have two "lost+found" directories. One under /lost+found and one under /home/lost+found. This is normal because / and /home reside on different partitions.

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Exactly, but I had deleted the "lost+found" folder (see above), thought I find him one more time in this path:
"system folders/home/lost+found"???? So I deleted him again. However I tried an other thing. I used Gparted for deleted this partition: "sda8" and format it again in ext4, and afther that I saw this partition was not completly free but used by 2,55 GiB????
So, now I can mount this partition inside my two account: "administrator and an other"... But I found an other time this folder: "lost+found" inside?????????? (with a cross on the left corner on the bottom of this folder)??
So I do that:
gksudo nautilus
And I deleted this folder (by right clic go to the bin)!
But now I can't write on this partition because I have no right access? Because is only "root" who have access to the folders (créated and deled files) and the goupe is "root" too? That is on ext4 format on /dev/sda8
My question is "why is "root" who have this privilege? I have two account and befaure that, it's was accessible on the two accounts only the pass word was required for to mount this partition in the second account. I think there is a problem who is appeared after this uninstallation, but I can't explain why?
It's start to be complicated... If I change the "privilege" that not solves the "problem", only for one account and it's not normal?...
Any idea?

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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

How is this partition mounted? Is it through /etc/fstab or is it manually by you?

Revision history for this message
Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Hi Theodotos Andreou and thanks for your help,

Currently, I have only three partitions who are mounted:
system, home and swap (It's what you can see in an answer above...) the other are mounted manualy by me.

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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

Are you mounting them using the Terminal or through the GUI (Places menu) ?

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Normally, I use the GUI, just clic on the hard disk icon.

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

@Theodotos Andreou

Hi Theodotos Andreou, and I would like to say thanks very much for your help and "patience" again. Effectively, after re-install my Ubuntu system, I discover this trouble with the folder "lost+found" isn't a problem with "Foremost". It's a trouble with Ubuntu when you make a several partitions. I don't know why, of course, but he create a folder inside my sytem directories and one other inside a Linux partition? I need to push my investigation on an other way as soon as possible... Because I have an other problem with that with the "autorisations" "right and groups "with this device (virtual hard disk) and I don't know what wrong exactly equally.
So I hope you had a nice Christmas day and I whish you, and your friends and familly, a very nice Happy New Years 2011.


(we try together to improve Ubuntu...)

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Theodotos Andreou (theodotos) said :

You are most welcome. Happy New Year to you too!

Revision history for this message
Sebastian Powell (telattract) said :

I apologize I did not mean to be a source for answers about Ubuntu ...It is
actually I that needs help for I am brand new to this system and have very
little skill sets when it comes to knowing my way around....I do apologize,
I can assure you though that the level of knowledge and help that I have
received amongst the Open Source / Launch Pad and Overall Ubuntu help
experience has been more than adequate, in fact down right I AM


Sebastian Powell

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 3:05 AM, Theodotos Andreou <
<email address hidden>> wrote:

> Question #138089 on foremost in ubuntu changed:
> Theodotos Andreou posted a new comment:
> You are most welcome. Happy New Year to you too!
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for Ubuntu.

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Dragonfly (mailboxcb-ubuntu) said :

Well, I know I have solved this question but this is the result of my "investigation" aboute the folder: "lost+found". It's created automatically by Ubuntu (and normally with all Linux system) in each partition. The answer is here:

I hope this information can be useful to you too.