Questions for gnome-shell in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 119267 Can not build debian package of gnome-shell 2010-07-28 17:07:02 UTC Thomas Bechtold Answered
Answered 104412 How to change application list back to groups display 2010-03-15 09:45:08 UTC LCID Fire Answered
Answered 95406 GNOME Shell Compilation Syntax Error 2009-12-28 08:00:51 UTC shekhar Answered
Answered 91728 updates 2009-11-25 20:44:32 UTC Timmie Answered
Answered 85301 Using gnome shell as default 2009-10-09 13:02:48 UTC Pablo Marchant Answered
5155 of 55 results

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