network problem

Asked by godzi

i installed feisty fawn and i cannot connect to the internet. it never happened in previous versions of ubuntu. i connect to the internet via DHCP. In system/network tools/devices there were always two items 1)loopback(lo) and 2)ethernet(eth0)...and now, in feisty fawn, there is are those two plus a new one - ethernet ( eth0:avahi ).
netstat -inet says following:
eth0 link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:38:15:FC:D2
        inet6 addr: fe80::214:38ff:fe15:fcd2/64 Scope:Link
        RX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
        TX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
        collisions:0 txqueuelen:10000
        RX bytes:4830 (4,7 KiB) TX bytes: 7424 (7,2 KiB)

eth0:avah link encap Ethernet HWadrr 00:14:38:15:FC:D2
                  inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
                  UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1

lo link encap:local loopback
   inet addr: Mask:
   inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
   RX packets:852 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:852 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:68056 (66,4 KiB) TX bytes:68056 (66,4 KiB)

and here is etc/network/interfaces:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp

auto ath0
iface ath0 inet dhcp

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

hope someone will help me soon.....thanks........

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Dario Teixeira (darioteixeira) said :

Which interface do you use for connecting? I am assuming eth0.

Can you get the interface up manually, ie, without DHCP? Assuming your router is and your host IP can be for example, try the following:

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

Then see if you can ping the router:


If it works, then we've narrowed down the problem.

Revision history for this message
godzi (kidrock-seznam) said :

yes, i use eth0. dhcp should provide info(IP,etc.) to eth0 ok? but it is given to eth0: avahi. I do not even know what avahi means?! I have just tryed what you suggest but no success. cannot ping-> host is unreachable

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BonBonTheJon (jonathan-mueller) said :

Avahi is a zeroconf program, it allows other computers to find services your computer has available, it uses the same technology as iTunes when it shares its music.

I assume eth0 and eth0:avahi are the same, seems to be for me.

Have you tried "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"?

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BonBonTheJon (jonathan-mueller) said :

Avahi is a zeroconf program, it allows other computers to find services your computer has available, it uses the same technology as iTunes when it shares its music.

I assume eth0 and eth0:avahi are the same, seems to be for me.

Have you tried "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"?

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omingo (henrik-e-westman) said :

Try to get your wired connection working first.
I experienced something similar, maybe my braindump on can help you out.

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Daniel Badagnani (daniel-fisica) said :

I have the same problem, with a twist:

I had a working installation of ubuntu 7.4 (32 bits) connecting to the LAN at my workspace via wired DHCP. As I realized my PC was capable of running 64 bits, I made another partition with ubuntu 7.10 for amd64 architecture. Currently, my old installation keeps working fine but the new one cannot connect to the internet. Running ifconfig I get this eth0:avah and no IP for eth0 in my 64-bit installation, while for the old 32 bits I just get eth0 with a good IP and no avah0. I compared all network configuration files I am aware of and some I was not and are all the same. All the settings are the same. Obviously the hardware and the network are the same. Couldn't it happen to be a bug of the amd64 distro alone?

Best regards

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Daniel Badagnani (daniel-fisica) said :

I tried omingo suggestion and still didn't work... something curious: the Network Manager does not show the line "Wired connection" line, only the "manual configuration". After executing dhclient, the line appears but "pale" and is uncheckable.

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Daniel Badagnani (daniel-fisica) said :

Ok, I finally got connected.

I tried unplugging the PC for a while, and it worked. The solution was supposed to apply for systems previously booting Windows, which was not my case.

This problem, which seems to be quite common, is apparently some hardware problem arising in systems with multiple boots.

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