Sync Lubuntu with WM 6 ?

Asked by Joaquim Domarco Pla

What I need to sync my Lubuntu (Lxde) with Windows Mobile 6?
Osync? Opensync? or another?

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2011-09-13 hennigne: Moved here from Launchpad.
Revision history for this message
Best actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :
Revision history for this message
Joaquim Domarco Pla (txutxim) said :

Hi, Henning:
 thanks for trying to help me, with my problem for sync my Lubuntu Natty with the PDA (NDrive S300). All tutorials, be talk about the old versions. I have installed OpenSync version "0.39-snapshot". And now I'm blocked in the created and configuration of the sync's group with my PDA files. But for a begginer like me, not's impossible, it's a dream. I'm not sure there's the correctly place and I supposed not's right form neither. But I think is better than nothing. Sorry because Catalan is the language of my OS.

Before, I have this state:

ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ synce-pls
Directory 2011-08-24 02:49:38 Ximo/
Directory 2006-12-31 23:00:00 Plantillas/
Archive 1038301 2011-08-27 14:34:42 SciLorsGrooveMobileAlphav13.CAB
Directory 2011-08-24 02:57:50 Tonos de timbre/
Directory 2006-12-31 23:00:02 UAContents/
Directory 2011-08-24 02:54:46 Fotos tarja SD/
Directory 2011-08-24 02:59:50 Documents/
Directory 2009-07-02 17:50:42 TomTom/

Then changed to:

ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ synce-list-programs
Microsoft Windows Mobile Green
Windows Theme
Microsoft Guava Bubbles
TomTom Navigator
NDrive For Windows Mobile
ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ synce-list-partnerships

Index Name Device Host SyncItems
----- ---- ------ ---- ---------

0 Linux desktop Pocket_PC Ximo-VGN-FE48E [Files Calendar Tasks Contacts ]

And now I have this too:

ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ osynctool --version
This is osynctool version "0.39"
using OpenSync version "0.39-snapshot"
ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ osynctool --listplugins
Available plugins:
ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ osynctool --showgroup synce-sync
Group: synce-sync
ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ osynctool --showobjtypes synce-sync
Group has no objtypes. Have the objtypes already been discovered?

I hope after with this one I may be sync:

ximo@Ximo-VGN-FE48E:~$ osynctool --help
Usage: osynctool ACTION [OPTIONS]..
Information about installation:
--listplugins Lists all plugins
--listformats Lists all formats
--version Shows the version of opensync and osynctool
--help Show this help

Information about configured groups:
    Lists all groups
--showgroup <groupname>
    Lists all members of the group
--showobjtypes <groupname>
    Lists all objtypes that the group can synchronize
--showfilter <groupname>
    Lists the filters for a group
--showcapabilities <groupname>
    List all capabilities of the group members

Group configuration:
--addgroup <groupname>
    Add a new group
--delgroup <groupname>
    Delete the given group
--configure-filter <groupname>
    Configures the filters of a group
--enable-objtype <groupname> <objtype>
    Enables the synchronization of a objtype for a group
--disable-objtype <groupname> <objtype>
    Disables the synchronization of a objtype for a group
--enable-merger <groupname>
    Enable the merger of a group (default: enabled)
--disable-merger <groupname>
    Disable the merger of a group
--enable-converter <groupname>
    Enable the converter of a group (default: enabled)
--disable-converter <groupname>
    Disable the converter of a group (Recommended for backups)

Group member configuration:
--addmember <groupname> <plugin> [member name]
    Add a member to the group
--delmember <groupname> <memberid>
    Delete a member from the group
--configure <groupname> <memberid>
    Configure a member. memberid as returned by --showgroup
--configure-capabilities <groupname> <memberid>
    Configures the capabilities of a member from the group
--discover <groupname> [<memberid>]
    Detect which objtypes are supported by one specified or all members
--disable-readonly <groupname> <memberid> [<objtype>]
    Enable writing (of objtype sink) for a member (default)
--enable-readonly <groupname> <memberid> [<objtype>]
    Disable writing (of objtype sink) for a member

--sync <groupname>
    Sync all members in a group

    Synchronization options:
            Wait for a client to initialize the sync instead of starting immediately
            Repeat to wait for sync alerts
        [--slow-sync <objtype>]
            Perform a slow-sync of all members in the group
            Make manual engine iterations. Only for debugging.
            Set a different configuration directory than ~/.opensync
        [--conflict 1-9/d/i/n]
            Resolve all conflicts as side [1-9] wins, [d]uplicate, [i]gnore, or
            keep [n]ewer
            Always accept the Synchronization Forecast

Revision history for this message
Joaquim Domarco Pla (txutxim) said :

Thanks actionparsnip, that solved my question.