"Preferred Applications -> Multimedia" should have "Do Nothing" as selection

Asked by Ajay

I am trying to find a way to not have an application launch when I insert the CD.

The annoyance is that everytime I insert a CD, Rythmbox (currently configured) launches.

Ideal Fix: "Preferred Applications -> Multimedia" should have "Do Nothing" as selection

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English Edit question
Ubuntu nautilus Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Chris Coulson
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Revision history for this message
Felipe Venegas (fvenegas) said :

Thank you for your suggestion. However, the changes you are requesting aren't really a bug and require more discussion, which should be done on an appropriate mailing list or forum. http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists might be a good start for determining which mailing list to use.

Revision history for this message
Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) said :

Felipe - the reporter is actually looking in the wrong place to achieve what they want to do (not launch application when a CD is inserted), and you should have perhaps converted it in to a question rather than just closing it without offering any help to the user.

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Best Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) said :

Hi Ajay,

System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications is not the correct place for specifying what actions you would like to happen when inserting media. This capplet is for specifying default file associations.

To stop applications being launched when you insert a CD, open Nautilus (your file browser), then go to Edit -> Preferences and select the Media tab. From here, you can specify actions when inserting audio CD, DVD, video CD etc, and there is the ability to specify "Do Nothing" for each media type.

Hope that helps :)


Revision history for this message
Ajay (ajaygautam) said :

oh! sorry about that. I am usually more intelligent when I file bugs :)

It seems like all Gnome settings are somewhere in System -> Preferences.
Given the usability improvements in Ubuntu, I assumed the CD launching preferences are also there.
I will go thru Nautilus to configure this.

I posted a follow up question to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6336090

PS: Thanks for all your hard work. Its really really appreciated. I do enjoy using Ubuntu.

Revision history for this message
Ajay (ajaygautam) said :

Thanks Chris Coulson, that solved my question.