Installation 545 Ubuntu 24.04

Asked by Loïc

Hi, I tried to install 545 on Ubuntu 24.04 (fresh install) which results in an error with dkmg. Is it a known issue ? I've had the same when I tried to install 555, but weirdly enough 550 installed smothly. To do these installs I tried the GUI (for 545) and the command line (also for 545 and all the other drivers as they are not in the GUI).

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Ubuntu nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 Edit question
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Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Did you try installing the version that is provided in the standard Ubuntu repositories or a version downloaded from elsewhere (or from a PPA)?

There is no NVidia-545 package in the standard Ubuntu repositories for Ubuntu 24.04, so how did you try installing it?
The comment to the removal of NVidia-545 in Ubuntu 24.04 is "obsolete, replaced by 550", so you should stick to 550.

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Best Ubfan (ubfan1) said :

The 535 Nvidia driver is the latest one shown in Ubuntu 24.04 ubuntu-drivers list or in the Software & Updates/Additional drivers with only standard repos. Adding the graphics-drivers PPA will now add the 545, but the 550 was removed from there for some reason. The actual driver packages for 545 and 550 and 555 are available, but not through the usual driver install mechanisms mentioned -- a direct install apparently works, but might have problems. Wait a bit with the 535 until the later drivers become added to the usual driver update/install mechanisms.

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Loïc (loic1775) said :

I tried the installation from the GUI after I added the graphic-drivers' ppa. I didn't know so many of the newer drivers had issues so thanks ! I'll stick to the 535 hopping new drivers will soon make it to the usual driver install mechanisms.

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Loïc (loic1775) said :

Thanks Ubfan, that solved my question.