HOWTO print list of fonts?

Asked by JohnL

My daughters school is requiring her to use a ms font (office 2007) called APA or Turabian. I want to be able to print a list of the fonts installed in OpenOffice to ask her teacher to select an open source alternative. How do i get the list printed for her to take to school?

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Ubuntu Edit question
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Solved by:
Arnaud Soyez
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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

May be here is a good starting point

Then to get best base Windows fonts compatibility

Please install msttcorefonts

Using System->Administration->Software sources [Ubuntu software] please enable all the repositories.

Then open a Terminal from the menu Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type:

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install cabextract
sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts

give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

Always useful is the online Ubuntu doc
Hope this helps

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JohnL (jwillar) said :

The wiki did not help. I installed the "Microsoft Core Fonts" from the KUBUNTU repositories. And also installed "cbextract" and msttcorefonts" like you suggested. End results? Well I definitely have more font, but not the two the teacher wants. I still need a way to print out a list of all fonts in OpenOffice, each in their native font. I can do this in ms-Word but see no parallel process in oo-Word. Thanks for the assist but I'm still looking for a solution.


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Jensen Somers (jsomers) said :

I am not a 100% sure but I think OpenOffice simply uses the fonts which are available on the system. You can create a list of those available fonts using the command 'fc-list'. Unfortunately this doesn't provide you with a view of how the fonts actually look.

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Best Arnaud Soyez (weboide) said :

Here's what you can do:

Open a terminal, and copy and paste this, this is just one line :

(echo '<html><body>' && (fc-list | sed 's/\(.*\):.*/<font face="\1">\1<\/font><br>/') && echo '</body></html>') > fonts.html

and then go to your user's directory and open fonts.html into Firefox.

This should give you the fonts style with their name.

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Arnaud Soyez (weboide) said :

I've made a tutorial, and I've posted it on my website, so you can see better:

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Tony Pursell (ajpursell) said :

Just a little better if you pop a sort in

(echo '<html><body>' && (fc-list | sort | sed 's/\(.*\):.*/<font face="\1">\1<\/font><br>/') && echo '</body></html>') > fonts.html

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JohnL (jwillar) said :

Worked! Thanks for your time/effort. I'll save this for later reuse. JohnL

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gb38 (godfried-borremans) said :

updated version

echo "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">" > fonts.html; fc-list | cut -d \: -f 1,2 | sort -t \: -k 2,2 | sed 's/\([^:]*\): \(.*\)/<div style="font-family: \2\;">\1 - \2<\/div><br>/' >> fonts.html