problem to run Unity on my pc

Asked by Isabel Dias

I've reinstaled ubuntu 11.04 and after first login I recieve this message:

It seems you don't have required hardware to run the Unity. You need to chose Classic Ubuntu .

Change VideoCard could solve the problem?

Thank you.

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Ubuntu unity Edit question
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Solved by:
Warren Hill
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Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

11.04 is EOL. Are you sure you installed Natty?

If so, I suggest you reinstall with Precise for 5 year support, or Quantal if you want the latest features.

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Best Warren Hill (warren-hill) said :

The unity user interface is resource hungry you may want to consider using "Gnome Classic" or another flavour of Ubuntu such as Xubuntu

To get the "Gnome Classic"

In a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) enter

sudo apt-get install gnome-panel

Reboot. Just above the box for your password and to the right of your name there is a small circular icon click on that and select "Gnome Classic" this is much more like the old 10.04.

Natty is no longer supported so I would either consider down grading to 10.04LTS (supported till April 2013) or upgrade to Precise (supported till 2017)

The good thing about Ubuntu is that all versions are "try before you commit"

Ubuntu expects a reasonably powerfull PC , Xubuntu is a little less resource hungry so will be faster, Lubuntu has the most basic desktop but its still very useable.

I suggest you try each of live CD first, Make sure everything works then when you have chosen the one you like do a full install

Downloads are available here



If you want to run Unity let us know the spec of your computer: Processor(s) and speed, RAM and Video card, we can advise further

Revision history for this message
Isabel Dias (isabel-dias) said :

I will try Ubuntu 12.04 and If the message about hardware problem still
I can use Ubuntu Classic as I've been doing since now.
I will test other video card too.

Revision history for this message
Isabel Dias (isabel-dias) said :

Thanks Warren Hill, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Isabel Dias (isabel-dias) said :

Hey, Ubuntu 12.04 is running perfectly with the same video card etc.
Maybe there was a problem in my Live CD or something like that.
Thanks again.