How do I troubleshoot update-motd? it's not generating /etc/motd or /var/lib/motd
I was playing with update-motd, I created a couple files: 09-title and 10-server-info
09-title was simply an ascii of my server's name, and 10-server-info was a script to display a parsed-output of df and uptime.
Everything was working great, until I renamed 10-server-info to 60-server-info so it would display after 50-landscape-
I've since removed both 09-title and 60-server-info from /etc/update-motd.d/ as well as emptying out /etc/motd, but that seems to have made it worse, as now the motd isn't being populated at all.
I haven't been able to find any way to get a verbose output of what's happening when update-motd executes to see if one of the scripts is failing, or some error is occuring, nor have I found any mention of logs anywhere. Is there any way for me to discover why motd isn't being populated (and why it was getting extra text from a no-longer-existant file)?
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Solved by:
- A. Denton
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