When will a KDE client be available ??????????

Asked by Brian Wood

The "solutions" you posted are wrong. There is no "ubuntuone-kde" available, at all. The instructions say that there is one, but there is not. I added the PPA, still no kde app.

Also, some people do not like to use GUIs of any sort, and *some* of us are not too stupid to be trusted as root, and can edit our apt sources manually, without needing "sudo".

I guess I'll just keep checking back, but I am not encouraged to trust my data to an outfit that not only ignores KDE but publishes incorrect information about it.

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Ubuntu One Client Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Matt Griffin
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Revision history for this message
Duane Hinnen (duanedesign) said :

What 'solutions' are you saying are incorrect? If you could point out the inaccurate information, we could work to get that fixed.

This thread might help you.
I would read the whole thing the author has updated it a few times.

The Ubuntu One team is very small. They are working very hard to support as many platforms as possible.

thank you,

Revision history for this message
Brian Wood (beww) said :

Thanks for the quick response, and I'm sorry I was a bit frustrated last night.

I looked at the page you mention below. There is a lot of contradictory information there, but the main problem is that
even after adding the PPA there is no "ubuntuone-kde" application available for installation:

root@fx3:~# apt-get install ubuntuone-kde
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package ubuntuone-kde

The page mentions several solutions, some of which are described as "non-starters", and others admit they have not tested
with Dolphin, which, being the standard KDE file manager, probably should be tested.

I generally have no problems with developmental software, but since this is something that might ultimately want my money
(music store or a non-free account), and will thus want credit card numbers etc., you have to be VERY careful, and the
obvious problems and confusion do not make me very confident. I will certainly never turn over CC numbers to some project
that seems to be being treated as an afterthought, and has a "very small" team working on it.


I am still unable to install ubuntuone-kde, or even find such an application. I should not have to keep trying different
proposed solutions, when even the people proposing them are having problems and can't agree with each other.

I think I have to just wait until it appears that the problems have been worked out, and people are not giving
contradictory advice. This application should simply install through KpackageKit in the normal way, maybe having to add a
simple PPA, but it is clearly not to that point yet.

In particular this scares me:

"In ppa:apachelogger/ubuntuone-kde you can now get a pretty much working Alpha
1 of the user interface integration, only that it is not really Alpha 1.".
(Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com)

Not with my credit card you won't :-) "Pretty much working" and "Alpha" is OK for something trivial, not for commercial
money transactions.

I guess I am used to the Gnome-centric attitude of Ubuntu/Canonical, but I have never liked Gnome since I first encountered
it in the early days of the project in the mid-1990s.

Again I apologize for being frustrated and unhappy about this project, but it is nowhere near the quality of most
(K)Ubuntu products, I guess I will simply continue to pay Amazon for cloud space, it pretty cheap (3 cents last month).

On Sunday, August 29, 2010 09:02:37 pm you wrote:
> Your question #123294 on Ubuntu One Client changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/123294
> Status: Open => Needs information
> duanedesign requested for more information:
> What 'solutions' are you saying are incorrect? If you could point out
> the inaccurate information, we could work to get that fixed.
> This thread might help you.
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1522137&highlight=ubuntuone+kde
> I would read the whole thing the author has updated it a few times.
> The Ubuntu One team is very small. They are working very hard to support
> as many platforms as possible.
> thank you,
> duanedesign

Revision history for this message
delance (olivier-delance) said :

I don't know what is history of this question. It seems you opened a new question instead of of new post.
If you get problem from a recent fresh install of Ubuntu, you should simply use Kubuntu distribution.

Revision history for this message
Brian Wood (beww) said :

On Monday, August 30, 2010 07:31:24 am you wrote:
> Your question #123294 on Ubuntu One Client changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/123294
> Status: Open => Needs information
> delance requested for more information:
> I don't know what is history of this question. It seems you opened a new
> question instead of of new post. If you get problem from a recent fresh
> install of Ubuntu, you should simply use Kubuntu distribution.

I replied to the email I received, as it indicated I should, I did not intentionally start a new thread.

I am using Kubuntu, not a brand new install, one I have been using for a while without problems. If this application
requires a brand-new install I am not interested in it, nor should it be necessary.

Looks like I may have to use the Gnome version of ubuntuone, but since that would not integrate with Dolphin it would not
be very useful to me.

Perhaps the reference to a "fresh install of Ubuntu" is from some other post? It's not from me.

Revision history for this message
Best Matt Griffin (mattgriffin) said :

Hi Brian,
The Ubuntu One team will not be developing a KDE client that communicates with the Ubuntu One personal cloud. At this point in the development of the service, our focus needs to match the skills we have within our team and with the largest population of users in order to build a strong infrastructure that everyone can benefit from no matter what platform they use. Just want to make sure we're clear on that issue.

We are willing to work with developers that want to create clients for any platform that we don't have the capacity to address though. This has led to two Google Summer of Code projects that interact with the Ubuntu One personal cloud - one for an Android client and one for a KDE sync client. Both of these projects interact with the cloud infrastructure run by the Ubuntu One team. This includes account management so, if you did choose to subscribe to a paid Ubuntu One plan, the transaction would be with Ubuntu One and not with the developer of an application that is in Alpha 1 stage. There's also the free option which doesn't require a credit card and comes with a large 2GB capacity.

We're excited about how developers on other platforms are leveraging the Ubuntu One foundations and look forward to their innovative implementations of what's possible with the personal cloud. I'm sure Harald would appreciate the testing feedback that you could provide for his KDE client which will be necessary to get it to the next stage. Sounds like you already have a great suggestion with "install through KpackageKit" so I hope this shows up as a bug report on Harald's project.


Revision history for this message
Brian Wood (beww) said :

OK, I understand. I had assumed that the UbuntuOne project was entirely a Canonical thing, I did not realize that the KDE client was an unsupported project. I think Harald has put in a lot of effort, on this and other projects, but since it potentially will generate revenue for Canonical I had not thought of it as an OSS project. Perhaps he should receive a portion of any revenue from KDE clients?

I think in this day and age there is no such thing as a "large 2GB capacity", though when I bought my first (5MB) hard drive I certainly couldn't imagine myself ever saying that. I have movie files that are ten times that size (22GB).

I think the only way I can proceed is to set up a Kubuntu machine for testing, and not experiment with a production machine. Once I do that I'll do whatever I can to help the project, i simply had not realized that I should not expect a working KDE port in the usual manner.Thanks

Much thanks for the clarification.