Unity "intelli-hiding" launcher

Asked by Egor Yakubov

There are 3 options to hide the launcher in Unity 2D: Never, Auto-Hide and "Intellectual" hiding (in russian locale it's Интеллектуальное скрытие). But there are only 2 options in normal Unity. I need an "intellectual hiding" option in Unity. It is very usefull feature. Will it be present in future versions of Unity or won't?

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Unity Edit question
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Solved by:
Egor Yakubov
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Revision history for this message
Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) said :

The intellectual hiding behavior has been removed since it caused confusion amongst new users. It will not be officially supported.

Revision history for this message
Egor Yakubov (egor-j-94) said :

So why it couldn't be included as a hidden option in compiz config settings manager, not in appearence menu in system preferences?

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Zies McDoom (jasonflindt) said :
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Egor Yakubov (egor-j-94) said :

Thanks, but it is not so good as native feature was.

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Zies McDoom (jasonflindt) said :

Yep but since the team seem to be ignoring the requests of many users in the testing phase of the 12.04 release it is currently the better option .