¿Where can I find some ppa of the latest code of unity?

Asked by cuenta para facultad

I can't find some builds for testing the latest code.

Can you send me some links?

Thanks!! :)

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English Edit question
Unity Edit question
Nekhelesh Ramananthan Edit question
Solved by:
Nekhelesh Ramananthan
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Best Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) said :

There are no PPA's where you can find the latest code of Unity. You can get the latest Unity code from their launchpad page. The trunk should hold the latest code. However for any sort of development, you are required to build Unity from Source by yourself.

You can information on how to build Unity from Source at http://askubuntu.com/questions/28470/how-do-i-build-unity-from-source. This link has extensive information on how to do this.

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Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) said :

Please mark this question solved if you have found the answer you were looking for. Otherwise let us know through your comments.

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cuenta para facultad (cuentaparafacultad) said :

Thanks Nekhelesh Ramananthan, that solved my question.