default cuts
I am trying to generate a process with a low Zp mass <100 GeV . What happens is that the cross section decreases with decreasing Zp mass which is odd. Could this be because of the existence of some cuts? I haven't put any cuts but does whizard apply default cuts that I don't know of?
Also, in madgraph I can set the computation of decay width of a particle to automatic through the command 'set decay 56 auto'. How can I don the same in WHIZARD?
This is my sin file
model=LightVector1 (ufo)
gxl = 0.1
MVdark = 80 GeV
Mn1 = 1 GeV
Mn2 = 106 GeV
process ee_n1n1z_isr = "e-", "e+" => n1, n1, "mu-", "mu+" {$restrictions=
isr_mass = 511 keV
beams = "e-" , "e+" => circe2 => isr
$circe2_file = "ilc500.circe"
$circe2_design = "ILC"
?circe2_polarized = false
!?ps_fsr_active = true
!$shower_method = "PYTHIA6"
!$ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "MDCY(C1000022,
beams_pol_density= @(-1), @(+1)
beams_pol_fraction = 80%, 30%
sqrts = 500 GeV
$sample = "ee_n1n1z_isr"
sample_format = lhef
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Juergen Reuter Edit question
- Solved by:
- Yehia Abdelaziz
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply: