Error while generating NLO events with polarized e+ e- beams
Dear Whizard team,
I am trying to generate events (using whizard for showering with POWHEG matching, pythia8 for hadronization) at NLO (in QCD) for e+ e- > t tbar with polarized incoming beams, but I am getting the following error:
*** FATAL ERROR: Product of density matrices is empty
*** -------
*** This happens when two density matrices are convoluted
*** but the processes they belong to (e.g., production
*** and decay) do not match. This could happen if the
*** beam specification does not match the hard
*** process. Or it may indicate a WHIZARD bug.
The input script "ttNLO.sin" along with all the associated ".log" files are attached here: https:/
Actually, I was able to generate NLO events for the same process using unpolarized beams, and LO events using polarized beams, so I am not sure if this is a bug?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot,
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Pia Bredt Edit question
- Solved by:
- Pia Bredt
- Solved:
- Last query:
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