info about momentum of incoming particles
hi sorry to bother you again.
this is my code:
process eeprovamultifasci = A, e1 => e1,e1,E1
beams = A, e1 => gaussian
beams_momentum = 5 keV, 5 GeV
gaussian_spread1= 0%
gaussian_spread2= 10%
plot E_Theta_Px_Py_E1
plot E_Theta_Px_Py_e1
plot E_Theta_Px_Py_e2
sample_format = mokka
integrate (eeprovamultifasci)
scan real y=(0=>20/+1){
real x= y*0.0001-0.001
beams_theta = 0,x
real z=(x*x)/(0.0003)^2
!luminosity = 1 / 2.e8 fbarn)
$sample = sprintf "eeff_%1.3f_%1.3f" (real (y), real (x))
analysis= record E_Theta_Px_Py_E1 (eval E["E1"], eval Theta["E1"], eval Px["E1"],eval Py["E1"]) and
record E_Theta_Px_Py_e1 (eval E[extract index 1 [e1]], eval Theta[extract index 1 [e1]], eval Px[extract index 1 [e1]],eval Py[extract index 1 [e1]])
record E_Theta_Px_Py_e2 (eval E[extract index 2 [e1]], eval Theta[extract index 2 [e1]], eval Px[extract index 2 [e1]],eval Py[extract index 2 [e1]])
simulate (eeprovamultifasci)
This simulation generates a lot of .mokka.evt files for every simulation and in these files i should see (for incoming particles) theyr 3 momentum components(
My doubt is that for incoming particles i only have momentum along pz , i don't understand why.
I'm doing a lots of simulation where i change the angle of interaction between incoming photons and electrons(
Thanks again,
Kind regards
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Juergen Reuter Edit question
- Solved by:
- Andrea Paolo Puppin
- Solved:
- Last query:
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