cross section did not converge, accuracy value is very large

Asked by Si Wang


I am running the process:
In two Higgs doublet model.

It has :
| Phase space: 131 channels, 8 dimensions
| Phase space: found 131 channels, collected in 23 groves.
| Phase space: Using 177 equivalences between channels.
| Phase space: wood
| Phase space: 92 channels, 8 dimensions
| Phase space: found 92 channels, collected in 20 groves.
| Phase space: Using 126 equivalences between channels.
| Phase space: wood

have more than 1E3 Feynman diagrams.
In Madraph, It has nearly 900 idles.

In the sin file, I set:

But the result is very unstable:
 It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |
| VAMP: parameter mismatch, discarding grid file ''
   1 599980 2.9320010E-01 1.87E-01 63.94 495.27* 0.03
   2 599931 2.9027050E-01 8.86E-02 30.52 236.39* 0.01
   3 599874 8.1004884E-01 1.51E-01 18.67 144.57* 0.00
   4 599812 8.9429061E+00 3.89E+00 43.48 336.76 0.00
   5 599735 1.6249514E+00 2.62E-01 16.11 124.76* 0.01
   6 599653 3.2453291E+03 3.19E+03 98.24 760.78 0.01
   7 599562 2.3655718E+02 1.71E+02 72.33 560.04* NaN
  20 11983843 4.3619276E-07 3.33E-07 76.34 2642.69 NaN 6.02 20
  25 999810 3.3988070E-06 3.23E-06 94.97 949.61 NaN 1.87 5

We can see the accuracy and error value is large. Which is very worse. Also, the rejection possibility is very low.
I expect the cross section is E-01, as in some running, the accuracy is good.

How to make the accuracy and errors behave well?
How to get a reasonable cross section?

Thank you!

Question information

English Edit question
WHIZARD Edit question
Juergen Reuter Edit question
Solved by:
Juergen Reuter
Last query:
Last reply:

This question was reopened

Revision history for this message
Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

Hi Si,
obviously this integration is not working at all as shown. Note that Whizard per default does not apply any cuts, so in case the muons massless you must, in case their mass is kept, you better should apply to the outgoing muons. You can also apply a cut on the momentum transfer from the initial state into the t-channel of your VBF process. Is this the built-in 2HDM (called THDM) or the UFO version? For the built-in version you need to find a consistent set of parameters which is much easier for the UFO version as there you could input SLHA-like files with parameter sets from spectrum generators like SARAH, Pheno etc.
The term 'idles' that you were referring to amounts to my knowledge rather to threads in the integration and not to Feynman diagrams.

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,

Currently I am using 2HDM UFO file.

The cuts I apply is:
cuts=all abs(Eta) <2.44 [Higgs]
   and all Pt>50 GeV [Higgs]
Could you list all the cuts I should apply?

Also I didn't do any thing to muon mass.
The whole process is:
alias Higgs="h2":"h3"
alias lep="mu+":"mu-"
process muta="mu+","mu-"=>("mu+","mu-","h2","h3")+("vm","vm~","h2","h3")
beams = "mu+","mu-" => isr,isr
With changing sqrts.


Revision history for this message
Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

Hi Si,
thanks for the information. I separated your two processes, as they are integrated separately anyways. I first noted that without any further specifcation, the first part (the WW fusion) integrates without any problem, cf. (I used default parameters from the UFO 2HDM file and 10 TeV muon collider energy):
| Integrator: 34 chains, 220 channels, 10 dimensions
| Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences
| Integrator: 10000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T
| Integrator: VAMP
| It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |
   1 9900 5.2526932E+01 1.25E+01 23.71 23.59* 3.25
   2 9776 2.9151854E+01 1.71E+00 5.87 5.80* 3.01
   3 9644 3.0914070E+01 1.70E+00 5.51 5.41* 3.04
   4 9503 3.3824578E+01 2.14E+00 6.33 6.17 2.95
   5 9386 3.3489552E+01 1.52E+00 4.55 4.41* 3.50
   6 9294 4.0944657E+01 4.87E+00 11.89 11.46 2.79
   7 9224 3.6724404E+01 1.21E+00 3.30 3.17* 5.32
   8 9153 3.5363989E+01 7.78E-01 2.20 2.10* 7.68
   9 9088 3.6765679E+01 1.41E+00 3.83 3.65 4.79
  10 9053 3.5114080E+01 7.61E-01 2.17 2.06* 7.50
  10 94021 3.4816662E+01 4.10E-01 1.18 3.61 7.50 2.87 10
  11 19966 3.5176165E+01 7.59E-01 2.16 3.05 4.92
  12 19966 3.5340588E+01 5.24E-01 1.48 2.09* 3.94
  13 19966 3.4487391E+01 5.07E-01 1.47 2.08* 3.44
  14 19966 3.4916295E+01 5.57E-01 1.60 2.25 2.98
  15 19966 3.5306737E+01 4.77E-01 1.35 1.91* 2.91
  15 99830 3.5037508E+01 2.43E-01 0.69 2.19 2.91 0.48 5

The ZZ fusion is not as good, but still ok with the default number of iterations:
   1 9945 5.3669324E-01 4.76E-02 8.87 8.85* 2.66
   2 9892 8.3609967E-01 8.59E-02 10.27 10.22 2.13
   3 9831 7.3452832E-01 5.22E-02 7.10 7.04* 1.98
   4 9763 6.8586757E-01 3.26E-02 4.75 4.70* 2.33
   5 9694 1.0576465E+00 1.61E-01 15.19 14.96 0.94
   6 9634 8.6763945E-01 4.79E-02 5.52 5.42* 1.93
   7 9580 7.7375747E-01 3.13E-02 4.04 3.95* 2.70
   8 9513 8.1636684E-01 3.61E-02 4.42 4.31 2.92
   9 9453 7.9630097E-01 3.11E-02 3.91 3.80* 3.34
  10 9396 7.9528348E-01 2.95E-02 3.71 3.59* 3.30
  10 96701 7.6421505E-01 1.26E-02 1.64 5.11 3.30 4.66 10
  11 19950 8.3740914E-01 2.82E-02 3.37 4.76 1.86
  12 19950 9.8154323E-01 1.40E-01 14.26 20.14 0.66
  13 19950 8.2399087E-01 2.30E-02 2.79 3.94* 0.53
  14 19950 8.2849716E-01 2.09E-02 2.53 3.57* 0.53
  15 19950 8.0292058E-01 1.97E-02 2.46 3.47* 0.50
  15 99750 8.2163041E-01 1.11E-02 1.36 4.29 0.50 0.66 5
Ramping up the iterations to
iterations = 10:100000:"gw", 3:200000
| It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |
| VAMP: parameter mismatch, discarding grid file ''
   1 99918 7.9920320E-01 9.37E-02 11.72 37.05* 0.34
   2 99861 8.2500020E-01 3.16E-02 3.83 12.12* 0.43
   3 99821 8.7280539E-01 2.86E-02 3.27 10.34* 0.51
   4 99760 8.2612201E-01 8.78E-03 1.06 3.36* 1.49
   5 99681 8.3389030E-01 6.50E-03 0.78 2.46* 2.54
   6 99641 8.2519646E-01 5.44E-03 0.66 2.08* 3.41
   7 99584 8.4086800E-01 5.32E-03 0.63 2.00* 3.35
   8 99526 8.2938073E-01 4.63E-03 0.56 1.76* 4.68
   9 99474 8.2543893E-01 4.36E-03 0.53 1.67* 4.89
  10 99416 8.4076803E-01 4.41E-03 0.52 1.65* 4.99
  10 996682 8.3229393E-01 1.97E-03 0.24 2.36 4.99 1.51 10
  11 199941 8.3715085E-01 3.10E-03 0.37 1.65 4.19
  12 199941 8.2989613E-01 3.05E-03 0.37 1.65* 3.34
  13 199941 8.3197152E-01 3.01E-03 0.36 1.62* 3.11
  13 599823 8.3295925E-01 1.76E-03 0.21 1.64 3.11 1.47 3

This is also a very convergent integration. You had even more iterations and calls,. so I am a bit puzzled what is going on. It might either be a different model parameter (e.g. a width set to zero), or it is the error goal.

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said (last edit ):

Hi Juergen,

I found out if I change

it will work convergently.
What is the reason for that?
Why do more iterations and calls return a bad integration?

But when I add
The integration is not convergent again. it shows:
| It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |
| VAMP: using grids and results from file ''
   1 9956 1.1611969E-01 9.01E-02 77.60 77.43* 1.38
   2 9924 3.3591027E-02 8.96E-03 26.66 26.56* 0.13
   3 9890 1.2598076E-01 3.99E-02 31.69 31.51 0.09
   4 9850 1.3134627E+00 8.54E-01 65.00 64.51 0.04
   5 9810 2.1907991E-01 4.13E-02 18.86 18.68* 0.13
   6 9774 6.4055408E-01 1.21E-01 18.96 18.75 0.12
   7 9740 6.8405160E-01 7.16E-02 10.47 10.33* 0.28
   8 9706 1.1276106E+00 1.66E-01 14.69 14.47 0.19
   9 9672 3.0789859E+00 9.60E-01 31.18 30.66 0.08
  10 9642 5.0353421E+04 5.02E+04 99.63 97.83 0.02
  10 97964 6.1225489E-02 8.42E-03 13.75 43.04 0.02 20.00 10
| VAMP: using grids and results from file ''
  11 19998 2.7420350E+03 2.30E+03 83.87 118.61 0.01
  12 19998 1.0383759E+02 4.41E+01 42.52 60.12* 0.00
  13 19998 3.6222740E+01 1.94E+01 53.49 75.64 0.00
  14 19998 9.2202530E+01 4.98E+01 54.04 76.43 0.00
  15 19998 1.6942917E+03 1.46E+03 85.95 121.54 0.01
  15 99990 5.2570429E+01 1.67E+01 31.79 100.53 0.01 1.33 5
How to solve this?


Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said (last edit ):

Thanks for solveing the problem!

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,
The width of Higgs are Independent parameters,
I guess whether changing the mass of the Higgs will need also to change the Higgs width.

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,

I did not change the Higgs mass, and run the process with default interations.
But the result is strange, there are two part of cross section, the final result is quite different from the first part.
See below:
| It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |
| VAMP: parameter mismatch, discarding grid file ''
   1 9945 5.9751680E-01 1.88E-01 31.47 31.38* 1.66
   2 9883 4.1504889E-01 8.42E-02 20.30 20.18* 1.37
   3 9826 3.9321425E-01 5.27E-02 13.40 13.28* 2.50
   4 9754 7.6103815E-01 2.30E-01 30.16 29.78 1.66
   5 9705 5.1211514E-01 5.99E-02 11.70 11.53* 1.24
   6 9639 4.2225177E-01 3.14E-02 7.45 7.31* 1.80
   7 9591 4.3903737E-01 2.61E-02 5.94 5.82* 1.99
   8 9554 5.0831363E-01 3.33E-02 6.55 6.40 1.61
   9 9505 1.3145230E+00 6.44E-01 49.03 47.80 0.48
  10 9435 5.1259020E-01 3.07E-02 5.98 5.81* 1.53
  10 96837 4.6498860E-01 1.38E-02 2.96 9.22 1.53 1.52 10
  11 19943 5.6201750E-01 3.01E-02 5.36 7.57 0.84
  12 19943 5.6129236E-01 3.35E-02 5.96 8.42 0.66
  13 19943 5.5883756E-01 2.58E-02 4.61 6.51* 0.54
  14 19943 5.2777855E-01 2.26E-02 4.28 6.04* 0.49
  15 19943 5.3899828E-01 2.91E-02 5.40 7.63 0.49
  15 99715 5.4699218E-01 1.23E-02 2.24 7.08 0.49 0.36 5
| Time estimate for generating 10000 events: 0d:00h:04m:15s
| Integrate: sum of all components
| It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] |
   1 0 1.8705113E+01 1.89E-01 1.01 0.00* 1.32
What happens here? Why there are two parts of cross section? Where did the second one come from?

And with changing sqrts, the cross section is decreasing with increasing sqrts(3 TeV to 15 TeV):
# Plot: foo
# x y yerr xerr
   3.000000000000E+03 2.162021186374E+02 1.301675242448E+00 0.000000000000E+00
   4.000000000000E+03 1.476444575786E+02 8.778208129106E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   5.000000000000E+03 1.080268408097E+02 6.861430458171E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   6.000000000000E+03 8.273973608979E+01 6.280801117398E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   7.000000000000E+03 6.460622603521E+01 4.258139657326E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   8.000000000000E+03 5.320648095128E+01 5.337731835555E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   9.000000000000E+03 4.373955310956E+01 3.708540254158E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.000000000000E+04 3.689998995625E+01 3.801548054458E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.100000000000E+04 3.221357625910E+01 3.762749774688E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.200000000000E+04 2.758885102820E+01 2.706912187747E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.300000000000E+04 2.453248901089E+01 2.361935114893E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.400000000000E+04 2.136163430798E+01 2.059105060602E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.500000000000E+04 1.870511343609E+01 1.890229297332E-01 0.000000000000E+00

# Summary:
n_entries = 13

Here is my full sin file:
alias Higgs="h2":"h3"
alias lep="mu+":"mu-"
process muta="mu+","mu-"=>("mu+","mu-","h2","h3")+("vm","vm~","h2","h3")
beams = "mu+","mu-" => isr,isr
plot foo
scan sqrts = ((3 TeV => 15 TeV /+ 1 TeV)){
cuts=all abs(Eta) <2.44 [Higgs]
   and all Pt>50 GeV [Higgs]
record foo(sqrts, integral (muta), error (muta))
write_analysis { $out_file = "sig_isr.dat"}

Thank you!

Revision history for this message
Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

Hi Si,
in your last example, you defined the process as consisting of two components, WW and ZZ fusion, so the final line shows the sum of WW and ZZ fusion. The cross section falls off with 1/s as it should , right?
To your post before: the mass and widths of particles are normally independent input parameters in UFO models, if you change the mass, you need to calculate and set the widths correspondingly.
Also for the Higgs masses of
mh2 = 1000
mh3 = 1000
mhc = 1000
I get perfectly convergent results.

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,

The VBF process has effective W/Z /photon approximation, and the splitting function has log(s) terms.
We would expect with increasing sqrts, should the cross section increase?
Is 1/s behavior only for s-channel diagram?


Revision history for this message
Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

You applied cuts on the Higgs bosons, if I omit those cuts the xsec rises as you expected it:
# Plot: foo
# x y yerr xerr
   3.000000000000E+03 4.252312189798E+00 1.611215504833E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   4.000000000000E+03 7.210224063083E+00 1.371960156182E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   5.000000000000E+03 1.536254749617E+01 8.043504724267E-02 0.000000000000E+00
   6.000000000000E+03 2.768296360355E+01 1.630478405040E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   7.000000000000E+03 3.767365277206E+01 1.353801988577E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   8.000000000000E+03 4.688854661976E+01 1.313748117173E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   9.000000000000E+03 5.354670490565E+01 1.357304412907E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.000000000000E+04 5.851478117712E+01 1.736862380540E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.100000000000E+04 6.247265617240E+01 1.992949377840E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.200000000000E+04 6.496946427151E+01 1.542138131288E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.300000000000E+04 6.669337362377E+01 1.879949479470E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.400000000000E+04 6.737220119779E+01 1.618234205053E-01 0.000000000000E+00
   1.500000000000E+04 6.766774337931E+01 2.003215669420E-01 0.000000000000E+00

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,

Your answer seems not for this question? Is that belong to other questions?

And, I still do not get the increasing cross section.
Could you share your whole sin file?

Thank you!

Revision history for this message
Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

Yes, this answer was from a different question. I simply erased the cuts statement from the SINDARIN.

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,

I did erase the cuts. But the cross section is still decreasing.
Maybe you can share your whole sin file, I can repeat it.
To see whether it works or not.
Or you can use my whole sin file, to see the result.


Revision history for this message
Best Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

Actually, I left out the ISR, the ISR does a radiative return down to lower energies that can also prevent the cross section from rising.

alias Higgs="h2":"h3"
alias lep="mu+":"mu-"

mh2 = 1000
mh3 = 1000
mhc = 1000

process muta1 = "mu+","mu-"=> "mu+","mu-","h2","h3"
process muta2 = "mu+","mu-"=> "vm","vm~","h2","h3"

#cuts=all abs(Eta) <2.44 [Higgs]
# and all Pt>50 GeV [Higgs]
sqrts = 10 TeV
beams = "mu+","mu-" => isr,isr
plot foo
scan sqrts = ((3 TeV => 15 TeV /+ 1 TeV)){
 integrate (muta1) # { iterations = 10:100000:"gw", 3:200000 }
 record foo(sqrts, integral (muta1), error (muta1))
 write_analysis { $out_file = "sig_isr.dat"}

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Hi Juergen,

Thank you! That solved my problem.

The situation is if not set
mh2 = 1000
mh3 = 1000
mhc = 1000
The cross section will decrease.
Also the cuts will have some influence.

I noticed you do not change the Higgs width. Is that ok?
I want to know one more thing: If the Higgs mass width is correct, what will it influence in Whizard? How?


Revision history for this message
Juergen Reuter (j.r.reuter) said :

The correct width gives the correct normalization of cross section if on-shell residua of propoagators are then correctly normalized.

Revision history for this message
Si Wang (siw34) said :

Thanks Juergen Reuter, that solved my question.