Error: Symbol ‘me’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
I get this error when I run any process in a vector-like lepton model (https:/
This is output:
Reading model file '/home/
| Preloaded model: SM
| Process library 'default_lib': initialized
| Preloaded library: default_lib
| Reading model file '/home/
| Reading commands from file 'VLL_ee.sin'
| Model: Generating model 'VLL' from UFO sources
| Model: Searching for UFO sources in working directory
| Model: Searching for UFO sources in '/home/
| Model: Found UFO sources for model 'VLL'
warning: case sensitive parameter names: renaming 'ME' -> 'ME_1'
warning: case sensitive parameter names: renaming 'Me' -> 'Me_2'
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR2x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR2x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR1x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR1x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL2x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL2x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL1x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL1x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR2x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR2x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR1x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UR1x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL2x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL2x1' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL1x2' ignored!
UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter `UL1x1' ignored!
| Model: Model file 'VLL.ufo.mdl' generated
| Reading model file 'VLL.ufo.mdl'
| Switching to model 'VLL' (generated from UFO source)
sqrts = 5.000000000000E+02
| Process library 'default_lib': recorded process 'ee_mumu'
| Integrate: current process library needs compilation
| Process library 'default_lib': compiling ...
| Process library 'default_lib': keeping makefile
| Process library 'default_lib': keeping driver
| Process library 'default_lib': compiling sources
owf_11_1 = vbar (Me, - p1, s(1))
Error: Symbol ‘me’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
m( 1) = Me
Error: Symbol ‘me’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
make: *** [default_
| command: make compile -j1 -f default_
| Return code = 512
*** FATAL ERROR: System command returned with nonzero status code
WHIZARD run aborted.
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Thorsten Ohl Edit question
- Last query:
- Last reply: