Issue with WHIZARD 3.0.3
I'm not an expert in WHIZARD. I'm using with version 3.03 a sindarin input file I was using time ago with version 2.8.2 to generate mu+mu-->H nunu at 3 TeV center of mass energy. I guess I have to change something, but I was not able to find that in the manual and/or notes.
Thanks for any help you can give.
model = SM
alias ANU = nuebar:
alias NNU = nue:numu:nutau
alias q = b
alias qbar = B
process hdec = "e2", "E2" => "H", NNU, ANU
process hbb = "H" => q, qbar
integrate (hbb)
unstable "H" (hbb)
integrate (hdec)
After the integration that seems OK, I get this message:
[integral undefined]
[integral undefined]
4.3122140E-03 +- 0.00E+00 GeV ( 0. %)
4.9861547E+02 +- 1.65E-02 fb ( 0.003 %)
n_events = 1000
$sample = "HH_bb_events"
| Starting simulation for process 'hdec'
| Simulate: using integration grids from file ''
| Using library for resonant subprocesses 'hdec_R'
| Simulate: initializing resonant subprocess 'hdec_R1'
| RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator
| RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 1893
| Initializing integration for process hdec_R1:
| Beam structure: [any particles]
| Beam data (collision):
| mu- (mass = 0.0000000E+00 GeV)
| mu+ (mass = 0.0000000E+00 GeV)
| sqrts = 3.000000000000E+03 GeV
| -------
| Process [scattering]: 'hdec_R1'
| Library name = 'hdec_R'
| Process index = 1
| Process components:
| 1: 'hdec_R1_i1': mu-, mu+ => H, nue:numu:nutau, nuebar:
| -------
| Phase space: none
| Applying user-defined cuts.
*** FATAL ERROR: Simulation: resonant subprocess insertion with unstable final-state particles not supported
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Juergen Reuter Edit question
- Last query:
- Last reply: