Pythia 6 aborts after a number of events
I am trying to generate Bhabha scattering events at the ILC and pythia 6 stops after 39956 events don't know why. I get the following error:
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
| (WHIZARD run continues)
*** ERROR: Reading events: I/O error, aborting read after 39956 events.
*** FATAL ERROR: Too many errors encountered.
And this is my sindarin script:
sqrts= 500 GeV
process DY = e1, E1 => e1, E1
error_threshold = 1E-8
beams = "e1" , "E1" => circe2 => isr
$circe2_file = "ilc500.circe"
$circe2_design = "ILC"
?circe2_polarized = false
beams_pol_density= @(-1), @(+1)
beams_pol_fraction = 80%, 30%
?ps_fsr_active = true
$shower_method = "PYTHIA6"
cuts = all M < -10 GeV [incoming e1:E1,e1:E1]
and all Eta < 2.5 [e1:E1]
and all Eta > -2.5 [e1:E1]
and all Pt > 10 GeV [e1:E1]
integrate(DY) {iterations = 10:40000, 6:80000}
$sample = "Drell_
sample_format = lhef
simulate(DY) {n_events = 50000}
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Juergen Reuter Edit question
- Solved by:
- Yehia Abdelaziz
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply: