Photon matching and LHEF output
Dear WHIZARD authors,
I am trying to generate a LHEF file using WHIZARD 3.1.4 where I would like to eventually implement photon ME and ISR photon matching procedure. In this context I have two questions which I detail below.
First, I would like to know if the resulting LHEF output should respect the 'cuts' defined in the .sin file?
As a concrete example, I am using a simplified version of example from here: https:/
sqrts = 3000 GeV
n_events = 1000
checkpoint = 1000
mH = 12 TeV
alphas = 0 # to remove overlap with higher multiplicities
show (model)
alias nu = n1:n2:n3
alias NU = N1:N2:N3
process eevv = e1, E1 => (nu, NU)
process eevv1a = e1, E1 => (nu, NU, A)
process eevv2a = e1, E1 => (nu, NU, A, A)
cuts = let subevt @meA = select if Index > 2 [A]
in all 2*sqrt(
and all 2*sqrt(
beams = e1, E1
integrate (eevv,eevv1a,
sample_format = lhef
simulate (eevv, eevv1a, eevv2a)
Would the resulting LHEF file contain events where all photons have q+ and q- > 10 GeV? (q- = 2*sqrt(
Second: In the above example, I deliberately do not generate any ISR photons. If I add ISR photon to this .sin file, would the resulting LHE file contain correctly matched ME and ISR photons? Would I have to do something in addition? I guess, I am not entirely clear about what exactly gets written in the LHE file.
My .sin file including ISR photons would look like following:
sqrts = 3000 GeV
n_events = 1000
checkpoint = 1000
mH = 12 TeV
alphas = 0 # to remove overlap with higher multiplicities
show (model)
alias nu = n1:n2:n3
alias NU = N1:N2:N3
process eevv = e1, E1 => (nu, NU)
process eevv1a = e1, E1 => (nu, NU, A)
process eevv2a = e1, E1 => (nu, NU, A, A)
cuts = let subevt @meA = select if Index > 2 [A]
in all 2*sqrt(
and all 2*sqrt(
beams = e1, E1 => isr
?isr_handler = true
$isr_handler_mode = "recoil"
?keep_beams = true
?keep_remnants = true
isr_mass = me
integrate (eevv,eevv1a,
selection = all 2*sqrt(
all 2*sqrt(
sample_format = lhef
simulate (eevv, eevv1a, eevv2a)
I thank you for your help on this and I apologize in advance for these rather trivial questions.
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- WHIZARD Edit question
- Assignee:
- Krzysztof Mekala Edit question
- Solved by:
- Krzysztof Mekala
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply: