How to load existing WBFS drive?

Asked by jachall

I have a USB drive that I originally formatted and use with Windows WBFS Manager 3.0. I want to use the drive on my Linux box with Wiithon, but when I run Wiithon it says "No found partitions WBFS...". The device for the USB drive is /dev/sdf and it is connected. How can I get Wiithon to see the drive? I was trying to find a way to make Wiithon use /dev/sdf but I do not see a way to force it to use that device. I originally formatted the drive with the WBFS filesystem in Windows with WBFS Manager 3.0 ... the instructions said to NOT format the drive as FAT32, so I didn't format as FAT32.
Thank you for your help!

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Revision history for this message
Carlo Mandelli (camandel) said :

Is your user in "disk" group?

$ id

you should see "6(disk)", if not add it with:

$ sudo gpasswd -a <your-user> disk

then logout and login and retry.

Revision history for this message
jachall (chris-apex-internet) said :

Yes, the user is in the "disk" group. I logged out and logged back in, and still have the same problem.

Revision history for this message
Carlo Mandelli (camandel) said :


wiithon -p /dev/sdf -l

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Smilerboy (richard-subtlekiss) said :

Having the Same Problem as jachall
Tried launching with $ wiithon -p /dev/sdf -l
Got this message
No partition found: /dev/sdf
Is your hard disk connected and does it have a valid WBFS partition?

The Device itself is a new WD Passport Elite HD, formatted in Windows with WBFS Manager
(marked primary & active within Windows Disk Management)

I also have a second partition (Fat32? or NTFS can't remember) but this is picked up within Linux File Management
(Obviously the WBFS partition is not visible in file manager)


Revision history for this message
jachall (chris-apex-internet) said :

I am still getting the same problem. I ran:

/usr/share/wiithon/ -p /dev/sdf -l

and I get the error:

No partition found: /dev/sdf
Is your hard disk connected and does it have a valid WBFS partition?

Just for the record I am also running WBFS-Manager and it sees the partition OK. But I like the features of Wiithon if we can get it working. Thanks!

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Ricardo Marmolejo García (makiolo) said :

Try with sudo. (root)

For avoid use the root type:

sudo gpasswd -a $USER disk
and reboot GNOME/KDE

Revision history for this message
Warper (warper4) said :

Same problem here.

Output of

/dev/sdd1;@;wbfs;@;;@;SAMSUNG SP1604N;@;

I ran:
./wiithon .p /dev/sdd -l
and I get the error:

No partition found: /dev/sdd
Is your hard disk connected and does it have a valid WBFS partition?

If I ran
./wiithon .p /dev/sdd1 -l
and I get the error:

No partition found: /dev/sdd1
Is your hard disk connected and does it have a valid WBFS partition?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Marmolejo García (makiolo) said :


1, dont use ".". ./wiithon.... Install wiithon and use: "wiithon"
2. Parameter is "-p", not ".p"
3. Your partition wbfs work in Wii ?

Revision history for this message
Warper (warper4) said :

Hi Ricardo:

wiithon is insalled, but for running I need ./

Ok, Parameter is -p, error to write here, but I use -p in the test

Yes, my partition is working in WII

Revision history for this message
kinu (mvmiguel) said :

Same problem.

Arch linux, was working on older trunk ver.

I'm in disk group, wbfs is working in wii, and WBFS manager (xp on VBox) is working ok with this partition.

Tried after bug 526580 commited and fixed.

Any solution?

Revision history for this message
Carlo Mandelli (camandel) said :

Please run these commands (using your correct partition) and post the output:

ls -l /dev/hdb1
/usr/games/wiithon_wrapper -p /dev/hdb1 df
/usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file /dev/hdb1 df
/usr/games/wiithon_wwt df

Revision history for this message
jachall (chris-apex-internet) said :

Here is the output of those commands:

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)

ls -l /dev/sdf1:
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 81 2010-05-22 14:36 /dev/sdf1

/usr/games/wiithon_wrapper -p /dev/sdf1 df:

The files "/usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file" and "/usr/games/wiithon_wwt" do not exist on my system, so I cannot run them.

Please advise if you have further ideas. Thank you for your help!

Revision history for this message
Javi (abanqueiro) said :

Tengo el mismo problema (Ubuntu 10.10 x86)
En respuesta a Carlo Mandelli:

uid=1000(javi) gid=1000(javi) grupos=1000(javi),4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),112(netdev),119(admin),121(nopasswdlogin),122(sambashare)

ls -l /dev/sdi
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 128 2010-07-14 15:44 /dev/sdi

/usr/games/wiithon_wrapper -p /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success

/usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success

/usr/games/wiithon_wwt df
!! wiithon_wwt: ERROR #9 [NO WBFS FOUND] in AnalysePartitions() @ wbfs-interface.c#349
!! no WBFS partitions found -> abort

Revision history for this message
Javi (abanqueiro) said :

Tengo el mismo problema (Ubuntu 10.10 x86)
En respuesta a Carlo Mandelli:

uid=1000(javi) gid=1000(javi) grupos=1000(javi),4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),112(netdev),119(admin),121(nopasswdlogin),122(sambashare)

ls -l /dev/sdi
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 128 2010-07-14 15:44 /dev/sdi

/usr/games/wiithon_wrapper -p /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success

/usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success

/usr/games/wiithon_wwt df
!! wiithon_wwt: ERROR #9 [NO WBFS FOUND] in AnalysePartitions() @ wbfs-interface.c#349
!! no WBFS partitions found -> abort

Revision history for this message
Javi (abanqueiro) said :

Tengo el mismo problema (Ubuntu 10.10 x86)
En respuesta a Carlo Mandelli:

uid=1000(javi) gid=1000(javi) grupos=1000(javi),4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),112(netdev),119(admin),121(nopasswdlogin),122(sambashare)

ls -l /dev/sdi
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 128 2010-07-14 15:44 /dev/sdi

/usr/games/wiithon_wrapper -p /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success

/usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success

/usr/games/wiithon_wwt df
!! wiithon_wwt: ERROR #9 [NO WBFS FOUND] in AnalysePartitions() @ wbfs-interface.c#349
!! no WBFS partitions found -> abort

Revision history for this message
Javi (abanqueiro) said :

Perdón por las repeticiones (no tengo parkinson eh?)

Revision history for this message
jungletek (jungle-tek) said :

Exact same issue here, from prepping the drive using WBFS Manager in Windows, to the complete lack of partition recognition by Wiithon.
Here is my console output after exec'ing various suggested commands:

nick@nick-boxee ~ $ ls -l /dev/sdf
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 80 2010-11-19 23:50 /dev/sdf
nick@nick-boxee ~ $ /usr/games/wiithon_wrapper -p /dev/sdf df
bad magic: Success
nick@nick-boxee ~ $ /usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file /dev/sdf df
bash: /usr/games/wiithon_wbfs_file: No such file or directory
nick@nick-boxee ~ $ /usr/games/wiithon_wwt df
bash: /usr/games/wiithon_wwt: No such file or directory
nick@nick-boxee ~ $ /usr/share/wiithon/ -p /dev/sdf -l
No partition found: /dev/sdf
Is your hard disk connected and does it have a valid WBFS partition?

Revision history for this message
jungletek (jungle-tek) said :

lol, i'm an idiot. The drive was still plugged into the Wii!!!!!

Wiithon works fine, adding a game now. Thanks for the app, and sorry for my brain-fart.

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