Ubuntu won't boot after first reboot (wubi)

Asked by Sparkalisha


I've downloaded the wubi (windows installer) for the latest UBUNTU (the Meerkat one), and let it install and download and whatever, and when it asked for a reboot, I did that.

So then I selected "UBUNTU" in the startup menu thing, and the UBUNTU startup screen works, but after it says "completing install", I just get the empty background. Yes, it's a very nice background, granted, but I'd like to actually USE Ubuntu now ;)

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Note: I'm a complete novice, I know nothing of programming and/or coding..


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bcbc (bcbc) said :

What is your computer brand/model - and graphics card?

Can you clarify what happens:
1. Completed windows part of install
2. Rebooted, select Ubuntu, watched the installer run with the slideshow
3. Installer rebooted, you select Ubuntu.

Now you should see the grub menu, you hit enter on the first entry, then it's blank from there?
Or is it after you login, it's blank?

If it's blank after login, are you using the Netbook edition of 10.10?
If it is then, before you complete login, click your user name, look down at the bottom and select the Gnome Desktop Manager. On some computers, Unity (the netbook desktop) doesn't appear due to unsupported graphics cards (this happens on my computer).

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Sparkalisha (sparkalisha) said :


My computer is a MEDION Akoya, graphics card is.. ..uhm.. ..NVIDIA (sorry, computer-n00b alert).

This is what I've done:
1. Completed windows part of install.
2. Rebooted, selected Ubuntu, purple screen appears, goes into what I assume is the Ubuntu wallpaper and nothing else. No slideshow, no options, no form to fill in, nothing.

Thanks for taking the time to help me!

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Best bcbc (bcbc) said :

With many nvidia cards a workaround (nomodeset) is required to boot - and after installing you have to download a driver to fix the issue.

To override the boot options during the wubi install (the first reboot) see here:

After the install is complete, the computer will reboot, you will have to override again as described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 - the section titled "How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)". (You can ignore that it says 'not wubi' - once installed the wubi overrides are the same.)

Then after first login, you go to System, Administration, Hardware drivers and it should prompt you with a driver for the card.

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Sparkalisha (sparkalisha) said :

Thanks bcbc, that was very helpful!

However, now my wireless won't connect :( It just won't see any wireless connections, even though I *know* it's working, because I'm on it now, in Windows 7.

It's a WPA2-personal connection/security/whatever..

I've had a look through the WPAhowto thing for ubuntu, but that's only for older versions..
It says on that website that it "should be included in recent versions".. ..but, well, obviously something's wrong.

Also, can I do that "how to permanently set kernel options"? (I'm scared I'll kill my computer if I mess with this sort of stuff without advice..)

Thanks ever so much!

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bcbc (bcbc) said :

You can permanently set nomodeset as a boot option as described in that post. There is no problem with this. Just remember to remove it after you fix your network problem and install the nvidia driver.

Regarding wireless... the networking and wireless subforum http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=336 is a good place, in particular, read this thread:

If you post the sort of wireless card you have, I can take a look as well.

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Sparkalisha (sparkalisha) said :

Thanks bcbc, that solved my question.

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Sparkalisha (sparkalisha) said :

However, I'll go check out those links you provided =)

All I know about my wireless card is that it's built-in. The thing is, though, it's the antenna (or the logo that looks like an antenna lol) it just won't activate. It doesn't see any wireless networks, even though there are several here.

But I'll look into the correct specific forums ;)

As far as I'm concerned, you've answered my question perfectly, so thanks ^^