ubuntu file not found, only get command prompt

Asked by Peter

Hello, I am new to this. I installed this as a dual boot with windows on my E drive which is an old c drive from another

computer which still has xp pro on it. Do you think I am getting this error because this is not my boot disk? I have those

files installed, I have seen them in the E drive. would it help to wipe out the windows on the E drive being that I have

windows installed on my current C drive?

    . The installation seems to go fine and then it asks me to reboot the computer. When it comes back up it offers me a choice between my old Win XP and Ubuntu. So far, so good. But when I select Ubuntu, I get errors something like this (it only stays up briefly so I can't copy down the exact error):

NTFS5 error "prefix" is not set
Not found; /ubuntu/disks/root.disk
Not found; /ubuntu/install/boot/grub/grub.cfg

 From grub it tells me error: no such device: /ubuntu/disks/root.disk

 The output from windows is:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>dir \s E:\ubuntu
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is DC2A-19F4

 Directory of C:\

File Not Found

 Volume in drive E has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2C9C-EF2A

 Directory of E:\ubuntu

06/01/2011 01:24 PM <DIR>

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Revision history for this message
bcbc (bcbc) said :

Please rerun the windows command (the /s has a forward slash):
dir /s E:\ubuntu

Also, from the grub prompt (ls == lower case LS):
ls (hd1,1)/
ls (hd1,1)/ubuntu/disks


Revision history for this message
Peter (oscarmayerman) said :

 ls tells me (memdisk) (hd0) (hd0,msdos1) (fdo)

Revision history for this message
Peter (oscarmayerman) said :

ls (hd1,1)/ and ls (hd1,1)/ubuntu/disks both tell me error: hd1 cannot get C/H/S values

Revision history for this message
Peter (oscarmayerman) said :

Sorry for so many entries to get this out but here is my output from windows command prompt, I hope this helps ..Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>dir /s E:\ubuntu
 Volume in drive E has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2C9C-EF2A

 Directory of E:\ubuntu

06/01/2011 01:24 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 01:24 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> disks
06/01/2011 12:29 PM <DIR> install
06/01/2011 12:25 PM 1,150 Ubuntu.ico
06/01/2011 12:25 PM 1,530,520 uninstall-wubi.exe
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> winboot
               2 File(s) 1,531,670 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\disks

06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> boot
06/01/2011 12:38 PM 17,557,356,544 root.disk
06/01/2011 12:38 PM 268,435,456 swap.disk
               2 File(s) 17,825,792,000 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\disks\boot

06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> grub
               0 File(s) 0 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub

06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> ..
               0 File(s) 0 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\install

06/01/2011 12:29 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:29 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> boot
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> custom-installation
06/01/2011 12:38 PM 718,583,808 installation.iso
04/28/2011 03:35 AM 874 MD5SUMS-metalink
04/28/2011 03:35 AM 198 MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg
04/28/2011 03:35 AM 28,158 ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.metalink
               4 File(s) 718,613,038 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\install\boot

06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> grub
04/25/2011 06:11 PM 13,388,211 initrd.lz
04/27/2011 12:07 PM 4,041 md5sum.txt
04/11/2011 04:15 AM 4,521,296 vmlinuz
               3 File(s) 17,913,548 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub

06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:38 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:38 PM 2,485 grub.cfg
               1 File(s) 2,485 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation

06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> hooks
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> packages
06/01/2011 12:38 PM 3,058 preseed.cfg
               1 File(s) 3,058 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation\hooks

06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 46 casper-premount.sh
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 35 early-command.sh
06/01/2011 12:25 PM 618 failure-command.sh
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 1,084 success-command.sh
               4 File(s) 1,783 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation\packages

06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> ..
               0 File(s) 0 bytes

 Directory of E:\ubuntu\winboot

06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> .
06/01/2011 12:25 PM <DIR> ..
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 148,208 wubildr
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 29 wubildr-bootstrap.cfg
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 1,270 wubildr.cfg
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 8,192 wubildr.mbr
06/01/2011 12:23 PM 10,240 wubildr.tar
               5 File(s) 167,939 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              22 File(s) 18,564,025,521 bytes
              32 Dir(s) 50,611,003,392 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>

Revision history for this message
Best bcbc (bcbc) said :

For whatever reason, the BIOS cannot read the second hard drive. Ubuntu and Windows rely on BIOS to transfer control to them. If BIOS cannot see the drive it cannot load the OS on that drive.

Your alternatives are to install Wubi to the first hard drive (which is possible as Wubi doesn't require a separate partition/drive) - or figure out how to get BIOS to see the second hard drive.

Revision history for this message
Peter (oscarmayerman) said :

Good enough, thank you. I can't understand why It doesn't recognize E: drive and I looked in bios to try to get it to do it buut you have done enough. I will install it onto C: drive and see if that helps.