Questions for Alexey Kopytov

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 188241 5.5 fix for fil_rename_tablespace() bug in Percona 5.1? 2012-02-19 22:47:01 UTC Troy Percona Server moved to Solved
Solved 187652 Help on XFS Warnings 2012-02-13 13:59:45 UTC Otávio Fernandes Percona XtraBackup moved to Alexey Kopytov Solved
Answered 187181 Using Incremental Backup fails. 2012-02-08 13:02:05 UTC Alon Edelman Percona XtraBackup moved to Alexey Kopytov Answered
Answered 186599 Config file my.cnf is missing in default percona-server-server-5.5 installation from oneiric repository 2012-02-02 11:33:26 UTC Cyrille Percona Server moved to Answered
Answered 186288 Solaris 10 Percona Server 5.1.x build enviroment 2012-01-30 16:20:15 UTC Wojciech Sielski Percona Server moved to Answered
Solved 184552 Handlersocket return type for date/time fields 2012-01-12 21:56:41 UTC Erik Jacobson Percona Server moved to Solved
Answered 184241 xtrabackup: error: log block numbers mismatch 2012-01-10 07:56:40 UTC Oleg M Percona XtraBackup moved to Alexey Kopytov Answered
Answered 183929 xtrabackup_slave_info binary log coordinates not updated after using --apply-log 2012-01-06 21:32:00 UTC Patrick Zoblisein Percona XtraBackup moved to Alexey Kopytov Answered
Solved 183896 from oltp benchmark to tpc-c benchmark 2012-01-06 11:58:09 UTC vineet khanna sysbench Alexey Kopytov Solved
Solved 181199 Error: trying to add tablespace 2011-12-07 19:26:03 UTC Sean Chighizola Percona XtraBackup moved to Solved
Answered 176223 xtrabackup --backup hangs on "log scanned up to" 2011-10-25 21:06:18 UTC Daniel Kaelin Percona XtraBackup moved to Answered
Solved 174148 Series unavailable in bug affecting multiple projects? 2011-10-13 14:26:38 UTC Alexey Kopytov Launchpad itself Solved
Answered 173476 Innobackupex remote and incremental backup 2011-10-06 17:43:42 UTC Jostein Martinsen Percona XtraBackup moved to Alexey Kopytov Answered
Solved 165481 Does xtrabackup support compressed tables? (ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED) 2011-07-20 17:05:09 UTC Dave Juntgen Percona XtraBackup moved to Alexey Kopytov Solved
Answered 163652 gdb stacktrace causes running queries to abort 2011-07-03 22:42:28 UTC Greg Hazel Percona Server moved to Answered
Solved 156376 OLTP benchmark in sysbench 0.5 2011-05-07 05:20:35 UTC Kazuhisa Ichikawa sysbench Solved
Solved 71081 Unable to manage the project for which I have maintainer and driver roles 2009-05-14 06:20:34 UTC Alexey Kopytov Launchpad itself Solved
5167 of 67 results