Questions for Alexander Sack

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 188317 please bump size of 2012-02-20 16:58:17 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself Solved
Answered 135588 version screwed: please remove linaro-meta 009 from linaro-user-platforms staging ppa 2010-11-26 15:28:04 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself Answered
Solved 80227 ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA needs a quota bump 2009-08-17 10:15:31 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself [LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Solved
Answered 75787 please raise quota for firefox 3.5 transition ppa 2009-07-01 08:57:00 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself [LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Answered
Answered 68126 ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa needs more space 2009-04-21 13:33:01 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 28345 renaming democracy project to miro? 2008-03-29 15:50:09 UTC Alexander Sack Miro Answered
Answered 26649 import request: (HG) mozilla cvs-trunk-mirror 2008-03-09 13:14:07 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 25955 gnash auto sync broken for a week 2008-02-29 18:52:57 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 23710 PPAs for mozillateam and friends need more space 2008-02-02 12:14:31 UTC Alexander Sack Launchpad itself Answered
19 of 9 results