Questions for bcbc

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 138684 How To Decline an Update? 2010-12-22 01:38:01 UTC klausner update-manager in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 137557 Ubuntu and dual boot 2010-12-12 16:24:26 UTC Orest grub2 in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 137152 Changed Font Prevents Login - reverse it? 2010-12-09 06:44:43 UTC Dennis McClain Wubi Answered
Answered 136851 installing ubuntu on virtualbox 2010-12-06 19:31:59 UTC otak virtualbox-ose in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 136505 does update manager know I have a netbook? 2010-12-03 18:49:26 UTC Bill Haddad update-manager in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 136384 How can I unstall ubuntu 10.10? 2010-12-02 21:49:50 UTC John Cultrera ubiquity in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 136302 Grub rescue Error 2010-12-02 06:49:50 UTC ashish jain grub2 in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 131554 Ubuntu doesn't boot after upgrade to 10.10 2010-10-28 12:15:43 UTC M.J.O Wubi Solved
Answered 130614 After automatic upgrade Ubuntu will not start 2010-10-21 21:34:38 UTC Violet Diamante Wubi Answered
Solved 130259 Using LVPM to move wubi install to real install 2010-10-19 17:44:52 UTC free now lvpm Solved
Answered 130227 how to remove windows and transfer Ubuntu installed using wubi inside windows 7 2010-10-19 14:14:37 UTC Shobhitpaul Wubi Answered
Solved 129602 Problem installing over windows with wubi.exe 2010-10-15 12:02:29 UTC Attila Horváth Wubi Solved
Answered 129003 wubi for 10.10 desktop amd64 2010-10-12 08:34:48 UTC Mark Dansie Wubi Answered
Answered 128739 big problem upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 2010-10-10 22:15:44 UTC Chris Whitney Wubi Answered
Solved 128647 Can't install Ubuntu 10.04 through wubi on Windows 7 on my D Drive. bcdedit.exe error 2010-10-10 12:00:26 UTC Utkarsh Kumar Wubi Solved
Open 127347 Cannot boot into wubi install of Ubuntu 10.10 beta after doing a normal system update and the required sytem reboot. 29/09/2010 2010-09-29 20:44:33 UTC Anthony Baynes Wubi Open
Solved 126350 Swap partition doesn't mount after partition resize 2010-09-22 00:07:15 UTC Mauricio A util-linux in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 126293 how to start kernel in initramfs? 2010-09-21 16:52:28 UTC marcus aurelius Ubuntu Answered
Answered 126260 Is there a way to recover my files? 2010-09-21 11:28:50 UTC Abcede dela Cruz Ubuntu Answered
Solved 125752 Wubi install never reaches Ubuntu; goes straight to Windows 2010-09-17 02:37:58 UTC Markus Mannheim Ubuntu Solved
Answered 125588 is it possible to install ubuntu on a existing drive which have some data in it? 2010-09-15 21:57:54 UTC raptor Ubuntu Answered
Solved 125001 Occasional 'crashes' of Ubuntu 10.04/Wubi 2010-09-11 12:20:28 UTC nordsternpark Wubi Solved
Solved 124633 How to instal ubuntu 10.04 amd64-1.iso using wubi? 2010-09-08 16:09:08 UTC dishantbt05 Wubi Solved
Solved 124628 automatically use swap-file on start-up 2010-09-08 15:36:37 UTC Francesco M util-linux in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 124573 Installation of Ubuntu for Netbooks 2010-09-08 06:55:36 UTC Paul Morris netbook-meta in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 124568 My memory on one OS is different than on Ubuntu 2010-09-08 05:48:16 UTC Jonathan Larkin Wubi Answered
Answered 124478 I cannot install ubuntu on window 7 dynamic partition 2010-09-07 15:44:39 UTC adee Wubi Answered
Solved 124354 update issue 2010-09-06 18:49:50 UTC caroline bright Ubuntu Solved
Solved 123301 Wubi - Ubuntu 10.04.1 Installation 2010-08-30 01:46:40 UTC Carlos F Ostos Wubi Solved
Answered 123176 Wubi will not completely load 8.04 into Windows 98. 2010-08-29 00:07:19 UTC David Orosz Wubi Answered
Solved 121431 Grub rescue prompt after updating ubuntu 10.04 2010-08-16 20:08:12 UTC peter Wubi Solved
5181 of 81 results