Questions for Cesare Montedonico

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 49612 Al actualizar a 8.10 y reiniciar, ya no me arranca ubutu 2008-10-31 15:15:32 UTC chip10 Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49542 problemas al actualizar a ubuntu 8.10 (arquitectura amd64) 2008-10-30 20:48:33 UTC Jesús Hernández Gormaz Ubuntu Solved
Solved 27061 cut command 2008-03-14 20:11:22 UTC princen Ubuntu Solved
Solved 13851 Totem no puede reproducir este tipo de soporte (DVD). Marca DVD LiteON 2007-09-22 22:55:51 UTC Danny35 Ubuntu Solved
Solved 11684 Installing aps in terminal 2007-08-17 16:28:01 UTC Sbn Ubuntu Solved
Solved 9993 partitioning?installing? 2007-07-18 21:16:44 UTC Jay Ubuntu Solved
Solved 9945 Playing music and movies in Ubuntu. 2007-07-18 02:59:53 UTC Ian Brownlie Ubuntu Solved
17 of 7 results