Questions for Danilo Piazzalunga

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 94076 I am getting broken link message while installing WINE on ubuntu 9.1, plz help. 2009-12-14 20:58:39 UTC mindae wine in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 94073 how to open lost&found file folder 2009-12-14 20:40:17 UTC GREG T. gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 94061 how do i install devede?? 2009-12-14 18:31:12 UTC johm mcconnell devede in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 93593 notification after upgrading to 9.10 that one or more harddisks report health problems 2009-12-10 15:35:11 UTC Piet van der Lugt gnome-disk-utility in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 93584 When opening/importing pdf into inkscape it crashes 2009-12-10 14:06:04 UTC tobiwan inkscape in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 85949 Replacement for gnome-power-cmd script 2009-10-15 20:10:03 UTC Danilo Piazzalunga gnome-power-manager in Ubuntu Solved
16 of 6 results