Questions for dan wendlandt

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 207568 How to use the l3-agent of the folsom? 2012-09-03 10:51:03 UTC Yang Zhenyu neutron Solved
Answered 206661 tap devices getting tagged to 4095 2012-08-24 03:10:34 UTC vj neutron Answered
Solved 206604 Quantum with Openvswitch and no gateway interface 2012-08-23 13:52:17 UTC Eoghan neutron Solved
Solved 205427 OVS agent failing 2012-08-09 19:38:58 UTC Mohammad Banikazemi neutron Solved
Solved 204872 Connection to meta-data server 2012-08-02 18:09:48 UTC Sumit Naiksatam neutron Solved
Solved 203366 Devstack stable/essex release issue 2012-07-17 03:02:46 UTC Neelakantam neutron Solved
Solved 203268 provide way to specify id in models_v2 2012-07-16 01:15:36 UTC Aaron Rosen neutron Solved
Solved 202785 Port and VIF association 2012-07-10 23:48:01 UTC Sumit Naiksatam neutron Solved
Solved 202689 Questions on v2 Port 2012-07-09 20:57:30 UTC Sumit Naiksatam neutron Solved
Solved 202625 Boot an instance with quantum network 2012-07-09 05:07:02 UTC D LALITHA RANI neutron Solved
Solved 202315 A question about ovs-vlan-test 2012-07-05 08:50:32 UTC Havent neutron Solved
Solved 202227 Suppose that Controller, Network and Compute node are at seperate physical host, is Quantum+OVS needed on Network node? 2012-07-04 07:03:34 UTC Havent neutron Solved
Solved 201124 OVS plugin: vlan id not being set correctly? 2012-06-21 20:02:11 UTC tiadobatima neutron Solved
Solved 200751 When I start a VM, why it has "two" processes related with it? 2012-06-18 08:05:56 UTC Havent neutron Solved
Solved 199823 Essex - Quantum - OVS - Multi-Node Architecture -> Working Partially ! 2012-06-08 11:11:56 UTC Emilien Macchi neutron Solved
Answered 199280 quantum/ovs not working after reboot of the host 2012-06-03 23:25:40 UTC vj neutron Answered
Solved 197749 issues observed with multi-node setup 2012-05-18 21:29:33 UTC dan wendlandt devstack Solved
Solved 197701 Instances don't get an IP from DHCP (Quantum, OVS, multi-node computes) 2012-05-18 14:45:39 UTC Emilien Macchi neutron Solved
Solved 197527 Network problem of the new launched instances 2012-05-17 04:18:41 UTC Salman neutron Solved
Solved 197244 Two networks, one is reachable, the other is not. Why? 2012-05-15 01:38:42 UTC Havent neutron Somik Behera Solved
Solved 197150 Can't install openvswitch in fedora 16 2012-05-14 10:10:22 UTC Hua Zhang neutron Solved
Answered 195685 Host NIC Management/Network Isolation 2012-05-02 14:41:46 UTC Gary Kotton neutron Answered
Answered 195654 Howto setup OVS with Ubuntu 12.04 2012-05-02 10:45:05 UTC Endre Karlson neutron Answered
Answered 194777 VM is loosing it's IP address with the addition of flows in the bridge 2012-04-26 10:16:22 UTC NAVEEN REDDY neutron Answered
Solved 194444 httplib throw "TypeError: an integer is required" when run quantum on fedora 16 2012-04-23 01:59:48 UTC Hua Zhang OpenStack Compute (nova) Solved
Answered 194111 Does quantum support multi-nic setup ? 2012-04-19 09:54:21 UTC Mandar Vaze neutron Answered
Answered 193570 Please explain what request, action and resource extension all are? 2012-04-13 21:08:56 UTC David Olshefski neutron Answered
Answered 193010 Quantum by itself 2012-04-08 17:54:05 UTC subrata goswami neutron Answered
Answered 192664 MAC address in OVS plugin 2012-04-04 19:04:56 UTC Nikhil S Menon neutron Answered
Answered 192513 Why Linux bridge Quantum plugin ? 2012-04-03 13:32:38 UTC Piyanai Saowarattitada neutron Answered
Answered 192137 Launching instance failed in Multi node quantum 2012-03-30 10:41:45 UTC Neelakantam neutron Answered
Answered 190861 Quantum OVS multiple networks 2012-03-16 15:43:03 UTC Mohammad Banikazemi neutron Answered
Solved 190105 Network delete - does it work? 2012-03-08 19:47:26 UTC Sumit Naiksatam neutron Solved
Answered 189174 Netstack IRC 2012-02-29 07:49:21 UTC Gary Kotton neutron Answered
Solved 187980 Second node with quantum (and openvswitch) 2012-02-16 23:11:47 UTC Mohammad Banikazemi neutron David Lapsley Solved
Answered 187700 How to proceed with code submission 2012-02-14 01:43:20 UTC Mandeep Dhami neutron Answered
Solved 187189 Quantum - cant reach metadata service using custom gateway 2012-02-08 15:39:15 UTC Mercadolibre CloudBuilders neutron Solved
Solved 186990 Question: QuantumServicesInsertion; quantum/services 2012-02-06 17:47:46 UTC Piyanai Saowarattitada neutron Solved
Solved 186541 nova-manage network create + Essex-3 + Quantum : not working 2012-02-01 18:40:06 UTC Alejandro Comisario neutron Solved
Solved 186450 Quantum Essex milestone-3 server fails to start (config file not found for OVS plugin) 2012-01-31 22:37:58 UTC Max Tkach neutron Solved
Solved 186325 quantum essex milestone-3 install procedure (fail) 2012-01-30 20:32:35 UTC Alejandro Comisario neutron Solved
Answered 185942 Best Quantum plugin or OpenStack approach for controlling a switch 2012-01-26 20:03:18 UTC Sam Hague neutron Answered
Answered 185587 Howto manage network IPs exhaution 2012-01-23 15:40:36 UTC net-security Melange Answered
Solved 184536 Problem with quantum 2012-01-12 20:14:25 UTC net-security neutron Solved
Answered 184424 what's the different between essex vs diablo? 2012-01-11 22:37:30 UTC lunardi teguh neutron Answered
Solved 183789 quantum-2012.1~e2 ImportError: No module named server 2012-01-05 08:09:42 UTC Itzik B. neutron Solved
Answered 180168 Separate Quantum Client API module needed for Horizon 2011-11-27 17:07:55 UTC Matt McClean neutron Brad Hall Answered
Solved 179967 libvirtError: internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: char device redirected to /dev/pts/13 2011-11-25 08:35:43 UTC qirui neutron Solved
Solved 179620 Quantum connect error message when running devstack script 2011-11-22 12:42:58 UTC Matt McClean neutron Brad Hall Solved
Solved 178794 using openstack+openvswitch without quantum 2011-11-15 02:06:33 UTC wallace neutron Solved
51100 of 102 results