Questions for David Mitchell (

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 220289 where / how to store fiscal number 2013-01-27 17:48:54 UTC Ferdinand Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Solved 192132 amount to text in reports 2012-03-30 09:45:42 UTC Pravitha V Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Answered 184262 new install and localization 2012-01-10 14:28:26 UTC John Tatum OpenERP-USA Localization Answered
Answered 183910 Check printing 2012-01-06 16:42:11 UTC Mark Robinson OpenERP-USA Localization Answered
Solved 169444 Different between Customer Invoice and Saler Receipt 2011-08-29 04:57:57 UTC John Chen Odoo Web Client Solved
Answered 165445 Question regarding the handling of Barcodes in MRP 2011-07-20 11:03:35 UTC Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Solved 164396 Open ERp Application Architecture 2011-07-11 06:13:20 UTC A.Q.Ghouri Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Solved 149885 Check Printing 2011-03-21 11:42:21 UTC Jennifer OpenERP-USA Localization Solved
Solved 148837 please deactivate 2011-03-12 21:05:32 UTC David Mitchell ( Launchpad itself Solved
Answered 144196 New Multi Level Product Variants BOM functionality 2011-02-05 12:59:35 UTC Stephan Levenhagen Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Solved 143690 Refuse sale order if stock is lower than the quantity required by the sale 2011-02-01 17:34:34 UTC Jonathan Liuti Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Answered 136815 [crm] Handling loops in sales pipeline using stages 2010-12-06 12:54:50 UTC Daniel Watkins (credativ) Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Answered 136806 [crm] Having both a dead and a lost CRM stage 2010-12-06 11:22:32 UTC Daniel Watkins (credativ) Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Solved 135272 migrate from openerp 5.0.6 all i n one to 5.0.15 2010-11-24 04:59:57 UTC Sandra Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Answered 123322 It is really needed that the debit and credit are positive? 2010-08-30 08:03:30 UTC Borja López Soilán (NeoPolus) Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Solved 123110 tree sort order 2010-08-28 11:45:55 UTC Gerhard du Toit Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Answered 120770 Export data to XML 2010-08-11 19:44:26 UTC openT OpenERP Answered
Answered 116664 Internal replenishment 2010-07-05 08:23:01 UTC Peter Langenberg Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Answered
Solved 107239 Downloading hr_payroll for windows 2010-04-13 08:46:48 UTC Bushair Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Solved 92678 financial account for discounts 2009-12-03 06:45:32 UTC Joel Cabral Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
120 of 20 results