Questions for Dexhu

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 102613 HOW do I change Ubuntu 9.10 dbi to Ubuntu 9.10 AMD64 without having to reload the whole system from CD. Just UPDATE! 2010-02-27 14:12:55 UTC Dexhu Ubuntu Answered
Answered 92631 How do I install Mozilla Seamonkey Update? 2009-12-02 21:24:11 UTC Dexhu file-roller in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 88170 A NEED TO ADD FLOCK 2.5 to Update Manager Like Firefox 3.5 2009-11-02 18:45:46 UTC Dexhu Ubuntu Answered
Answered 74078 upgrade to KDE4 64 Bit 2009-06-12 19:54:56 UTC Dexhu kdebase-runtime in Ubuntu Answered
14 of 4 results