Questions for Gary Kotton

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 230294 about the ovs plugin & ovs setup for the tunnel network type 2013-06-06 06:25:49 UTC nrupal jani neutron Answered
Answered 226508 Latest devstack with Fedora 18 does not work with Horizon 2013-04-11 20:43:58 UTC Kyle Mestery devstack Answered
Solved 225253 nova quantum integration rest api to attach port to a vm 2013-03-27 06:00:18 UTC Ritesh Shetty neutron Solved
Answered 222783 Openstack handling of DNS when using flat/private and floating/public IPs 2013-02-25 13:01:38 UTC Greg andrus neutron Answered
Answered 220057 VM's can't get IP + unreachable 2013-01-24 16:33:09 UTC Tatenda Mupaso neutron Answered
Answered 220021 metadata_ip config in l3-agent.ini missing in Grizzly 2013-01-24 11:18:01 UTC vj neutron Answered
Answered 214054 Is there a guide how to install Quantum on RedHat 2012-11-13 07:47:59 UTC Kevin-Yang neutron Answered
Answered 199280 quantum/ovs not working after reboot of the host 2012-06-03 23:25:40 UTC vj neutron Answered
Answered 195685 Host NIC Management/Network Isolation 2012-05-02 14:41:46 UTC Gary Kotton neutron Answered
Solved 195378 Linux bridge leaves artifacts when all ports are deleted from network 2012-04-30 10:50:37 UTC Gary Kotton neutron Solved
Answered 189174 Netstack IRC 2012-02-29 07:49:21 UTC Gary Kotton neutron Answered
Solved 178157 Automatic testing 2011-11-09 14:55:31 UTC Gary Kotton OpenStack Compute (nova) Solved
Solved 177359 Gerrit Workflow 2011-11-03 06:35:34 UTC Gary Kotton OpenStack Compute (nova) Solved
Answered 175974 ERROR:django_openstack.dash:ApiException in instance usage 2011-10-24 09:54:18 UTC Gary Kotton OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Answered
Solved 175219 github problems 2011-10-19 09:22:39 UTC Gary Kotton OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Solved
115 of 15 results