Questions for jzacsh

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Open 261186 trackpoint causes scrolling not clicking for ThinkPad X1 Carbon 3rd Gen. 2015-01-24 22:40:10 UTC jzacsh Ubuntu-Certification Open
Answered 201637 Installed. But How Do I Use It? 2012-06-27 16:29:17 UTC Christopher Brandt garmin-ant-downloader in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 111849 Can I now rename/remove the ~/Ubuntu\ One directory? 2010-05-21 18:56:34 UTC Brian Ubuntu One Client Solved
Solved 106661 resume play without choosing album - can't just _play_ no questions asked 2010-04-07 00:53:33 UTC jzacsh Do Solved
Solved 103567 udev rule integration & multiple instances/preferences? 2010-03-08 00:14:47 UTC jzacsh Back In Time Solved
Answered 58059 how do i switch from one account to another 2009-01-19 18:20:27 UTC bryan evolution in Ubuntu Answered
16 of 6 results