Questions for Nemo

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 194797 ubuntu 12.04 post release update issues 2012-04-26 13:12:17 UTC Nemo apt in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 187349 Super Meat Boy 'Fatal Error' under wine 2012-02-09 23:37:26 UTC Nemo wine in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 186092 When trying to install '.run' file: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2012-01-28 11:40:17 UTC Nemo software-center in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 186047 Update error 2012-01-27 21:17:11 UTC Nemo apt in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 183417 Suddenly unable to mount SD card 2011-12-31 22:25:20 UTC Nemo util-linux in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 183416 undo "wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - " 2011-12-31 21:37:20 UTC Nemo software-center in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 183042 My laptop gets hot really fast on normal use 2011-12-27 18:44:20 UTC Nemo Ubuntu Solved
Solved 179403 Package dependencies cannot be resolved 2011-11-20 02:20:39 UTC Nemo software-center in Ubuntu Solved
18 of 8 results