Questions for Michael Flaig

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 208236 [quantal] Anyone able to add gmail account to evolution? 2012-09-11 06:36:44 UTC Michael Flaig evolution in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 151927 Top Panel drop shadow not there as advertised 2011-04-06 23:30:09 UTC Michael Flaig unity in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 2964 fglrx and dual link dvi 2006-12-29 15:16:54 UTC Michael Flaig Ubuntu Solved
Solved 2794 Ubuntu Edgy or Feisty on the MacPro 2006-12-13 01:55:44 UTC Michael Flaig Ubuntu Solved
Solved 2793 Where to submit bugs in feisty herd1? 2006-12-13 01:37:44 UTC Michael Flaig Ubuntu Solved
15 of 5 results