Questions for Michael Basse

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 163106 how to uninstall ubuntu ? 2011-06-29 01:53:03 UTC greg clayton ubiquity in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 162805 Is the security fix for this package in a patch for the version (2.03) in natty? 2011-06-26 15:03:43 UTC Robert Simmons kwalletcli in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 162803 Download Ubuntu kernel patches 2011-06-26 14:07:24 UTC slicks linux in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 162580 How to know whether the "XFS speed patch" in enabled in the current 11.04 kernel? 2011-06-24 10:13:14 UTC Uqbar linux in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 162230 cron stopped executing jobs 2011-06-21 15:15:32 UTC Nick Demou cron in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 162190 Problem Paketverwaltung Upgrade zu Kubuntu 10.04 2011-06-21 09:53:13 UTC sukasu Ubuntu Solved
16 of 6 results