Questions for Nico Schlömer

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 657962 unsubscribe from upload notifications 2017-09-13 13:49:13 UTC Nico Schlömer Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 450046 more space for ~nschloe/llvm-nightly 2017-02-02 11:51:53 UTC Nico Schlömer Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 273420 more space for seacas 2015-10-30 15:00:28 UTC Nico Schlömer Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 243493 saucy version 2014-02-06 21:32:46 UTC Nico Schlömer nfft in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 239866 not using "from dolfin import *" 2013-11-26 20:45:00 UTC Nico Schlömer dolfin-adjoint Answered
Answered 228012 mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for vector components 2013-05-02 12:33:02 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 226980 disable team mails 2013-04-18 12:33:25 UTC Nico Schlömer Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 226857 custom preconditioner: how are they treated? 2013-04-16 22:16:35 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 225891 add -coarse_pc_type to PETScPreconditioner 2013-04-04 17:49:50 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 225197 more space required for Trilinos 2013-03-26 13:46:07 UTC Nico Schlömer Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 224662 solve() on vectors, specify relative tolerance? 2013-03-19 18:57:10 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 223502 improvements in Navier-Stokes example 2013-03-05 23:29:24 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 220430 mpiexec: SSH dependency 2013-01-29 10:36:36 UTC Nico Schlömer openmpi in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 216785 norm(): expected a GenericVector or GenericFunction 2012-12-14 11:26:28 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 216720 failing erf()? 2012-12-13 17:09:01 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 210832 preconditioners for complex-valued problems 2012-10-10 11:00:06 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 210513 VTK interface unused? 2012-10-06 12:00:32 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 210360 improving Gmsh reader: add physical region names 2012-10-04 18:48:02 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 210285 Nedelec elements of 2nd kind broken? 2012-10-03 23:11:48 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
Answered 210260 Boundary conditions for complex-valued problem 2012-10-03 16:23:04 UTC Nico Schlömer DOLFIN Answered
120 of 20 results