Questions for peter

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 37725 Ubuntu 7.1 and Thunderbird 2008-06-29 11:28:25 UTC peter thunderbird in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 37625 Linux direcrories 2008-06-28 06:47:02 UTC peter Ubuntu Solved
Solved 36440 File browser Nautilus 2008-06-16 16:54:26 UTC peter Ubuntu Solved
Answered 20876 Epson Stylus CX5000 printer set to Unbuntu,sofware disc give direction for Microsoft Window98E,2000XP, or Mac 0SX10.28-10.4x, need help to set up printer. 2007-12-28 18:15:37 UTC cameopetcare digikam in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 17290 how can I install a canon MP510 printer and a HP laserjet 1000 printer 2007-11-07 22:43:03 UTC Rita Deleye Ubuntu Answered
Answered 12016 Unable to install local Epson Printer 2007-08-22 23:05:37 UTC sonni cups in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 8553 gimp help files missing 2007-06-21 20:58:44 UTC mike sava gimp in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 3019 I just started using Ubuntu and I can't get my printer to work. The printer is a HP laser jet 1020. Please help. 2007-01-02 21:11:46 UTC Rajeev sound-juicer in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 2517 Backup 2006-11-19 09:50:25 UTC Colby R. cdbackup in Ubuntu Answered
751759 of 759 results