Questions for alienheartbeat

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 251439 Why is Samba listening? How started? Safe to Uninstall? 2014-07-10 02:59:34 UTC alienheartbeat samba in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 233305 donations fail on ubuntu website 2013-07-31 07:26:01 UTC alienheartbeat Ubuntu Solved
Solved 224034 synaptic can't fix broken packages 2013-03-12 11:17:02 UTC Robert Simpson apt in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 137635 tabs stops incorrect after upgrade - cant modify 2010-12-13 08:43:11 UTC alienheartbeat Zim Answered
Solved 78799 how set tab stops 2009-08-01 09:07:55 UTC alienheartbeat Zim Solved
Solved 78796 how close just one notebook if using tray plugin 2009-08-01 08:15:20 UTC alienheartbeat Zim Solved
16 of 6 results