Questions for Rocko

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 150494 Natty desktop crashes at startup and hangs X 2011-03-25 23:57:50 UTC Rocko compiz in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 111662 How do I use vinagre to connect to a ssh host not using the default port 22? 2010-05-20 02:11:28 UTC Rocko vinagre in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 102791 How do I turn off the notification area identifier for keyboard layout? 2010-03-01 07:28:35 UTC Rocko Ubuntu Solved
Solved 48789 Call of Duty 2 freezes running in Intrepid 2008-10-23 01:27:54 UTC Rocko wine in Ubuntu Solved
14 of 4 results