Questions for shanky

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 110604 what will be reason for the error? 2010-05-11 14:20:41 UTC shanky Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Solved 108653 How create auto generated reference value for sale and mrp module? 2010-04-28 14:48:00 UTC shanky OpenERP Solved
Solved 106880 what would be reason of the error? 2010-04-09 09:02:33 UTC shanky Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Solved 106678 How to remove :Error occurred while validating the field(s) 2010-04-07 05:53:15 UTC shanky Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Solved 106596 How to overcome the error? 2010-04-06 10:07:29 UTC shanky Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
15 of 5 results