Questions for Sylvestre Ledru

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 144385 Type("plot3d()") writes wrong values 2011-02-06 20:56:58 UTC Sylvestre Ledru SikuliX Answered
Answered 137882 How to have my translation import queue review ? 2010-12-15 10:47:00 UTC Sylvestre Ledru Launchpad itself Данило Шеган Answered
Answered 98949 Please import Scilab VCS 2010-01-28 10:18:21 UTC Sylvestre Ledru Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 86913 Please remove metanet template for Scilab 2009-10-25 18:29:57 UTC Sylvestre Ledru Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 34690 Problem with translation import queue 2008-05-30 11:54:58 UTC Sylvestre Ledru Launchpad itself Answered
15 of 5 results