Questions for upstart

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 48656 Tasks that fork themselves 2008-10-21 18:47:15 UTC Mahesh Asolkar Solved
Solved 46662 recognizing a job on Ubuntu 8.04.1 2008-09-29 13:04:20 UTC Adam Monsen Solved
Answered 45946 Running service as a user 2008-09-22 10:05:26 UTC Eoghan Gaffney Answered
Answered 42921 understanding respawn limit 2008-08-22 23:24:35 UTC Sandeep Answered
Answered 41942 shutdown -F Option 2008-08-12 03:02:08 UTC thebomani Answered
Solved 38410 portmap daemon is started two times 2008-07-06 21:53:40 UTC Ricardo Solved
Answered 28435 does reboot update wtmp? 2008-03-30 16:33:31 UTC Ivars Strazdiņš Answered
Answered 24448 High Availability Clustering Aspirations? 2008-02-12 06:07:08 UTC fuzzyBSc Answered
Answered 24447 Watchdog support for services? 2008-02-12 06:03:45 UTC fuzzyBSc Answered
Answered 24028 shutdown comments 2008-02-06 16:07:26 UTC aburow Answered
Solved 22513 Scripts in something other than sh? 2008-01-19 04:51:43 UTC MS Solved
Answered 12452 Where is the online documentation for Upstart? 2007-08-29 20:17:32 UTC Lars Noodén Answered
Answered 10005 upstart config files 2007-07-19 01:09:09 UTC Danny Sung Answered
Answered 9887 howto load getty AFTER rc.local 2007-07-16 23:42:03 UTC Bryan Moore Answered
Solved 9100 Will Gutsy still use the /etc/rc?.d directories 2007-07-02 18:02:49 UTC Mark Sobell Solved
Solved 8142 Urgent Reply 2007-06-13 09:04:22 UTC Usman.M Solved
Solved 7651 request for clarification of console stanza 2007-06-04 05:14:11 UTC Kevin Shelton Solved
Solved 7377 How to tell upstart the number of ttys to start? 2007-05-29 14:39:05 UTC rkat Solved
Solved 7176 RPM build root location different from intended install location 2007-05-25 18:20:26 UTC Jordan Rhody Solved
Solved 6141 How to make a persistant debug output? 2007-05-05 12:48:13 UTC Roland Wolters Solved
Solved 6093 non-graphic login with upstart? 2007-05-04 09:34:37 UTC Arnold Robbins Solved
Solved 5219 When will user services will be avaible ? 2007-04-19 09:34:24 UTC Mildred Solved
Solved 4779 Error: must be installed in directory ending in /usr/local/lib 2007-04-08 00:45:01 UTC T. C. Gibian Solved
Solved 4557 Children of scripts don't stop 2007-04-02 19:25:48 UTC Quentin Stafford-Fraser Solved
Solved 4550 respawn syntax? 2007-04-02 16:45:24 UTC Quentin Stafford-Fraser Solved
Answered 4087 disable an event.d entry? 2007-03-08 22:30:06 UTC paul fox Answered
Solved 2644 Cannot de-register initctl items even when file no-longer exists 2006-11-30 00:28:40 UTC Juzzie Solved
Solved 2225 Password prompt for encrypted partition during init 2006-10-28 15:24:11 UTC Frank Siegert Scott James Remnant (Canonical) Solved
Solved 1984 inittab replacement? 2006-10-05 21:58:17 UTC MG55 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) Solved
5179 of 79 results

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