Questions for anson lee

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 265933 how do you open the lower tools control bar 2015-04-26 22:12:01 UTC anson lee Inkscape Solved
Answered 259489 how do you know when a PDF has been converted to a SVG file 2014-12-23 01:06:54 UTC anson lee Inkscape Answered
Solved 259413 computor won't trace bitmap 2014-12-21 21:26:12 UTC anson lee Inkscape Solved
Solved 248237 can you import a PDF file ? 2014-05-06 04:53:36 UTC anson lee Inkscape Solved
Answered 56278 trying to import pdf file 2009-01-04 00:17:09 UTC Judy Inkscape Answered
15 of 5 results