Questions for bhaskar

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 170039 Cannot boot windows 7 after Ubuntu installation 2011-09-03 19:19:34 UTC Raul grub2 in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 170034 Package Manager Problem 2011-09-03 18:49:11 UTC Brian J. Schrader apt in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 169955 can i install ubuntu on dual hard disk drives ? 2011-09-02 21:46:25 UTC mike mather ubiquity in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 169717 I cannot type in my password at the gnome terminal, when commanded for sudo 2011-08-31 18:07:10 UTC Tameem Alauddin gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 169599 ubuntu software center does not update cache so i cannot download new software 2011-08-30 14:42:38 UTC Tomi Alagbe software-center in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 169555 11.04 no longer boots 2011-08-30 04:44:48 UTC Brian Rippie ubiquity in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 169535 Ubuntu 11.04 cd won't boot on mac? 2011-08-29 23:47:36 UTC Manny Gu ubiquity in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 169502 I cant install updates with update manager, 2011-08-29 15:22:05 UTC sathiajith update-manager in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 169418 webcam is not working 2011-08-28 20:07:52 UTC bhaskar cheese in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 169414 memory allocation for ext4 file system 2011-08-28 19:47:16 UTC bhaskar Ubuntu Solved
Solved 169343 will not boot- syntax error, line 28 2011-08-27 21:36:50 UTC scott gdm in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 169262 Unity upper panel menu 2011-08-26 18:59:07 UTC ZeXx86 Unity Answered
Answered 169115 i need microsoft office things like word and excel 2011-08-25 02:21:07 UTC nick foster software-center in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 169113 Update Manager will not start 2011-08-25 00:48:43 UTC Ed Dunlop update-manager in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 169055 Notification if someone answer my question in launchpad 2011-08-24 12:07:25 UTC bhaskar Launchpad itself Solved
Answered 168873 my laptop will not detect wireless since I've downloaded ubuntu 11.04 2011-08-22 20:31:40 UTC Naomi Ruth Davis gnome-nettool in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 168778 Need to downgrade to firefox 3.6 and not sure what to do 2011-08-22 02:38:27 UTC Steven Ray firefox in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 168662 apt-get dependency problems 2011-08-20 17:23:27 UTC bhaskar apt in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 168561 wireless network not working 2011-08-19 15:59:47 UTC bhaskar gnome-nettool in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 168210 can you change the user account name, if so HOW? 2011-08-17 00:32:23 UTC scott pritchard adduser in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 168136 Any suggestions to a begginers guide manual? 2011-08-16 08:13:53 UTC Olive Branch Ubuntu Solved
Answered 168134 multi boot OS installation 2011-08-16 08:02:11 UTC bhaskar ubiquity in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 168117 I updated to newer version of Ubuntu and lost all of my documents and photos. I used the icon that said this would NOT happen 2011-08-16 04:43:37 UTC Emily Carsten update-manager in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 167547 triple boot with fedora 2011-08-10 16:05:02 UTC Muhammad Umar Ibrahim grub2 in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 166937 what are the requirements needed to become an embedded engineer 2011-08-04 12:40:45 UTC bhaskar gcc-defaults in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 165242 how can i access memory contents using ubuntu 11.04 2011-07-18 19:36:07 UTC bhaskar Ubuntu Answered
Answered 162834 which port i need to forward for apache 2011-06-26 20:01:13 UTC bhaskar apache2 in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 162833 pulse audio server collapsing after starting of skype as well as vlc media player 2011-06-26 19:54:12 UTC bhaskar alsa-driver in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 157621 Matlab installation problem 2011-05-15 17:01:28 UTC bhaskar software-center in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 157181 /sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object or file: No such file or directory 2011-05-12 10:32:38 UTC bhaskar dbus in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 110621 Auto-hide or Fullscreen 2010-05-11 16:10:55 UTC ErM Unity Answered
Answered 100586 how to write a c program in terminal 2010-02-10 17:47:32 UTC mayank gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 81422 vsftpd configuration help! 2009-08-30 18:27:21 UTC hydrid Ubuntu Solved
Solved 81077 Error occuring as "No LSB modules are available" 2009-08-27 06:35:30 UTC Deven Moga Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB) Solved
Solved 75746 How to disable logging and delete the logs? 2009-06-30 22:29:44 UTC Patrick Knight Ubuntu Solved
Answered 40486 wireless network 2008-07-28 12:11:44 UTC Amgad Elkateb gnome-nettool in Ubuntu Answered
5186 of 86 results