Questions for Igor Guerrero

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 34171 Support real transparency? 2008-05-24 23:08:30 UTC Igor Guerrero Terminator Solved
Answered 14392 How change photo folders references in F-spot ? 2007-10-02 19:56:20 UTC amine Say Ubuntu Answered
Solved 14384 How to install Firefox 1.5? 2007-10-02 16:54:03 UTC Mikhail Ubuntu Solved
Solved 14369 Ubuntu 7.10 beta wont install 2007-10-02 07:50:22 UTC oddvar Ubuntu Solved
Solved 14362 can't install ubuntu on my lap top. it works on my desk top so i know its a working copy 2007-10-02 03:56:48 UTC Coldfront Ubuntu Solved
Solved 14275 Problemas cambiando de disco duro 2007-09-30 12:47:43 UTC Jorge Suárez de Lis Ubuntu Solved
Answered 14040 clean up ubuntu boot 2007-09-26 14:57:14 UTC Mervyn Mitchell Ubuntu Answered
Answered 14021 Is there need to autostart restricted-manager? 2007-09-26 09:11:14 UTC Nanley Chery restricted-manager in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 13857 Is it possible to import my iTunes Library? 2007-09-23 05:08:52 UTC Spacedementia87 rhythmbox in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 13815 Help to convert MusicMatch libruary to rythmbox 2007-09-22 08:19:40 UTC Zilbert rhythmbox in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 13645 Thanks to Ubuntu Team! 2007-09-18 22:51:04 UTC HASSAN SAID OMAR Ubuntu Answered
Solved 13367 32-bit executables produce a "no such file or directory" error on a 64-bit 7.04 ubuntu 2007-09-14 16:06:13 UTC Dirk Kostrewa Ubuntu Solved
112 of 12 results