Questions for Leandro Gómez

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 107857 Changing of Team Ownership 2010-04-19 16:04:31 UTC Leandro Gómez Launchpad itself [LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Solved
Solved 26223 email address 2008-03-03 18:49:25 UTC Leandro Gómez Launchpad itself Solved
Solved 13949 set up ubuntu-l10n-miq translation team 2007-09-25 03:24:04 UTC Leandro Gómez Launchpad itself Solved
Answered 3704 Ubuntu Nicaraguan Team website request 2007-02-15 07:44:06 UTC Leandro Gómez Ubuntu Website - OBSOLETE Answered
Answered 1664 Spanish Planet Ubuntu 2006-08-31 04:27:15 UTC Miguel Ruiz Ubuntu Website - OBSOLETE Answered
15 of 5 results