Questions for Jayhawker

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 46063 Al iniciar el ordenador, sistemáticamente se me abre el Setup y no puedo entrar en el sistema 2008-09-23 09:38:28 UTC Jayhawker Ubuntu Answered
Answered 46061 Setup appears when initiating computer and no way to enter in Ubuntu System 2008-09-23 09:30:22 UTC Jayhawker Ubuntu Answered
Answered 30928 How to recover messages from 6.06 Evolution at another partition of the same hard disk? 2008-04-26 19:55:19 UTC Jayhawker evolution in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 30837 Problemas con el Evolution del 8.04 2008-04-26 06:33:38 UTC Jayhawker Ubuntu Answered
Answered 30835 He cargado el el 8.04 haciendo partición automática con el 6.04 que ya tenía de antes,pero ahora no puedo entrar en éste 2008-04-26 06:26:52 UTC Jayhawker Ubuntu Answered
Answered 25332 How can I find and activate clamAV once installed? 2008-02-22 12:59:47 UTC Jayhawker Ubuntu Answered
Answered 25331 Are the Ultimate versions really confident worth? 2008-02-22 12:36:19 UTC Jayhawker Ubuntu Answered
17 of 7 results