Questions for Steve

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 67640 What can I do with cache, thumbnails directory? 2009-04-16 10:25:36 UTC feedfish Ubuntu Solved
Answered 67615 Anyway to disable internal harddrive from Ubuntu? 2009-04-16 04:07:45 UTC cereardon Ubuntu Answered
Solved 67473 An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information. 2009-04-14 20:30:10 UTC Mclayne apt in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 67359 Opening any link in gnome-terminal returns error 2009-04-13 19:05:20 UTC Leon Kaiser gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 67285 Exe.file 2009-04-13 02:37:41 UTC HOST Ubuntu Answered
Solved 67185 No floppy drive in Ubuntu 8.10 2009-04-12 01:43:42 UTC Pete Ubuntu Solved
Answered 66815 Any chance to update rails? 2009-04-08 05:53:00 UTC Alex rails in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 71363 package gcc-4.3 4.3.2-1ubuntu11 failed to install/upgrade: failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3/libgcc.a' 2009-03-14 16:39:01 UTC PBethe gcc-4.3 in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 70374 firefox integration mistake 2008-12-04 01:47:50 UTC Jerikojerk firefox in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 46469 Ubuntu is Linux? 2008-09-27 09:13:00 UTC ramair Ubuntu Answered
Solved 44625 how to do commonds as root? 2008-09-09 14:45:57 UTC Monica gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 42638 Problem with Ubuntu install. 2008-08-20 02:25:06 UTC bjohnson Ubuntu Solved
Solved 12313 Synaptic error 2007-08-27 18:49:02 UTC gaddo Ubuntu Solved
Solved 11975 Problem auto mount external hard disk 2007-08-22 09:09:56 UTC MsiaGuy Ubuntu Solved
101114 of 114 results